Hi Fenner,
Welcome to baby whisperer!! Hang in there and remember you're not alone in this. I hope this community can support you and guide you to baby whispering.
This stage is so tough.
They have a sleep "progression" at 4 mo along with sleep need changes (less day sleep, dropping from 4-3 naps as they near 5-6 months), and it drove me crazy too... my son woke every 30 mins it seemed no matter his day sleep. I bet your son is in a cycle where he's so exhausted from the night that he may have transferred to day but like Kate said, it will help if you cap his day sleep right away.
Could you post your typical day with times? Like this?
E- (eat) 7am
A- (activity)
S- (sleep) nap, 9:30-11:00
E- 11:00
S- 1:30-3:30
We should also address how you are putting him down to sleep during the day. Is he able to fall asleep independently at all? Also, figure out which of the night feeds he actually eats and ONLY feed at that time from now on and no less than 4 hrs apart. For the other wakings, go in to settle him right away when he cries and try PU/PD which is described in the link for SLEEP below. We'll figure out a way to help your baby sleep without leaving him alone. Please remember that babies can't "get it". In efforts to help them sleep, we can stress them further and break their trust which makes it more difficult.
While we don't support letting babies to cry alone, there are various gentler things you can try.
Here's a link on some strategies and we'll be here to help with them like I said.
Teaching Sleep- Tips from the boardsYou'll click on the 3-5 month teaching sleep.
Also, if you go to the main page of the forum, under FAQ, click
On SLEEP and there are tons of resources for how to support your baby's sleep
Depending on the issue.
Finally, here's a thread with another mama with. 4 mo and the info on here is great! Many links to the exact info I mentioned.
How to stop sleeping in recliner with 4 month old.