Author Topic: Short naps and A Times/EASY routine help please! Nearly 4 month old  (Read 1902 times)

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Offline Mamer3

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DD will be 4 months old this week, up until last 2-3 weeks she didnt really have a set routine, however she used to sleep quite well during the day and generally have long naps and I didn't pay too much heed to them. She's also baby no4 so with school runs etc a lot of her naps where in the car and then in the car seat when we got home and if this happened she got into a deep sleep and slept great.

She has a soother and is also learning to suck her thumb at the moment so I'm hoping to get rid of the soother very soon.

About 3 weeks ago all her naps became 35 sometimes 45 mins long. 

As background we discovered nearly 2 weeks ago that she is allergic to egg (I'm breastfeeding so have now given up egg) She became a new baby overnight and all her constant distress was gone and she even started sleeping through the night/going 7-9 hours at night a few days later!!

However her naps continue to be short. She can put herself to sleep and I am confidant there are no AP issues. I'm pretty certain its an A time issue but would love some guidance on it.

Most of the time she is very cranky between naps though this has improved a little since the egg allergy so that is confusing the issue a little

At first I was shortening her A time as she always gets so tired around 1hr 10-1hr 15 A time.

But now I'm trying to lengthen it as I think that's definitely better. She was also hard to put to sleep after the shorter A time and always woke after 35 mins. 

Yesterday looked like this   -

E - 8.00

A - 8-9.45  (1hr. 45)

S - 9.46-10.30 (43 mins) Short sleep

A - 10.30-11.05 (35 mins)

E  - 11.05

A - 11.05 - 12.13 (1hr 45 mins in total after a short sleep)

S  - 12.15 - 14.45 ( 2 hrs 30 mins!!!) Couldnt believe it, think it means she does need a much longer A time as this was after a short sleep

E - 14.50

A - 14.50 - 16.35 (1 hr 45 mins)

S - 16.35 - 17.13 (38 mins)

A - 17.15-18.00 (45 mins)

E - 18.00

After this it all goes a bit off routine!

Generally with all thats going on I don't formally put her down to sleep, she might sleep in the bouncer for a short while then she'll fed again, around 2030/21.00 last night it was 21.10 and sometimes thats it for 7-9 hours, last night she fed again at 4.30 and 8.00 and was awake a good lot in between.

To be honest she has no bedtime routine and I would really like to fix this too.

Last week all her naps were 35 mins with 1 hr 15-20 A time, this week I'm getting more 45 min ones as well as the 35 min ones having just started stretching to 1.30ish A times but skewed by early short naps too.

Plus I know its amazing she is sleeping so well at night for the last week! My last baby didn't sleep through until 1 year old and is still hit and miss at 2 years 5 months!

Other days are similar but without the long sleep in the middle of the day, usually I'm just trying longer or shorter A times, not getting anywhere, all short naps and its all a bit of a mess!! 

Adjusting for after the short naps is hard too.

Would love some advice on the A times in particular for the first morning one and after a short sleep. Thanks SOOO much  :)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 20:44:41 pm by Mamer3 »

Offline Mamer3

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Re: Short naps nearly 4 month old please help!
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 13:46:06 pm »
Here is a full EASY - today's routine.

A - 7.45

E - 8.00

A  -  7.45 - 9.30 (1 hr 45mins)

S - 9.30- 10.15 (45 mins)

A 10.15 - 11.07

E - 11.07

A - 11.07-11.50 ( 1hr 40 in total)

S - 11.50-12.40 (48 mins)

A - 12.40- 13.45 (cranky for most of it. nearly fell back asleep herself whilst I dealt with other children)

S - 13.50 - 14.15 (25 mins)  Went to feed her as she was so cranky and it was nearly 3 hours, but she ended up falling asleep in my arms (1 hr 5 mins after she woke up) She woke when I had to put her down to deal with my 2 year old.

E - 14.20

A - 14.20-15.10 She did dose a bit during the feed and was generally fairly cranky and tired.

S - 15.15 - 18.05 (2 hours 55 mins!!!) Yikes probably not good but great she managed another long sleep. I had no idea at all about how long she should be up for as she was so all over the place this afternoon but I knew she was tired so I just put her down and hoped for the best! She gave out a good bit but went off herself within 5 mins or so.

E - 18.10 (3 hours 50 since her last feed)

A- 18.10-20.20 - (2 hrs 10 mins) She was tired and cranky for ages but I didn't know what to do with her routine wise! She needed a bit of patting to go to sleep as well. At this stage its still 1 hour off her likely 3 hour feed time... So I didn't know if I should put her down in the room for the night or not, ended up she slept in her moses basket in the sitting room and I'll put her down after her next feed.

S - 20.20 - 20.50 (30 mins)

E -  21.00

S - 21.55 (in bed for the night - hopefully!)
She generally goes 3 hours between breastfeeds sometimes longer, sometimes shorter

Thanks SO much for reading all of this! Would love any thoughts!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 21:53:29 pm by Mamer3 »

Offline FPT23

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Re: Short naps and A Times/EASY routine help please! Nearly 4 month old
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2017, 03:32:58 am »
Hi there :)

Welcome :) ! I'm more than happy to offer some humble advice and opinions in hopes that it may help your LO and yourself out some!

So she's an independent sleeper for sure and I'm very glad you got the allergy reaction out of the way too! There are a few things to be aware of during this time that can cause MANY sleep disruptions- day or night sleep.

First of all, I would increase A times. Here's the link to keep on hand for ATs. Now, some require more and some less. Every baby is different.

Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!

...I would suggest pushing one AT by 15 min increments for 3-4 days. If naps remain the same, I would push a bit more and see if it makes a difference. If increasing one, keep in mind the next ATs will be shorter to avoid OT meltdowns.

At this age there is also a BIG sleep regression and all things change. The short naps could very well be developmental as their sleep cycles change and become more like ours. Something to think about as well. Usually longer naps come around 6mth mark for most (not all) as A time increases.

Also, growth spurt occurs during this time. Perhaps extra nursing session before nap in case it is hunger.

Then there is new found mobility at this age! Many begin rolling if they haven't already :)

Hope this helps!

Many hugs!! :)

Offline Mamer3

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Re: Short naps and A Times/EASY routine help please! Nearly 4 month old
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2017, 09:24:33 am »
Hi, thanks so much for your reply and all the info!

i'm definitely going to increase the A times today.

So my plan is to do a 2 hour AT this morning which will be her longest ever. And then a 1hr 45 AT for the rest of the day, does that sound right?

And one more question if she still only does a short nap after the first 2hr AT should I then do less than 1.45AT for the rest of the naps to make up for that? Or leave it at 1.45??


Ok so I kept her up for the full 2 hours, it was easy to and she didn't seem too tired. I put her down and she instantly went to sleep by herself, no problem at all. I was sooo hopeful..... she woke up 30 minutes later  :o ??? :'( Sooooo frustrating!!!

Not sure what to do next! Its only been 2 hours 20 mins now since her last feed so she's not hungry yet, will feed her in a little while but don't know what AT to do?! Think I'll have to just try and judge it by seeing how tired she is.... ::)

Thanks a million :-)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 11:06:08 am by Mamer3 »

Offline Mamer3

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Re: Short naps and A Times/EASY routine help please! Nearly 4 month old
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 15:49:19 pm »
To update again, I've had some sucess   :) and a few misses as well but we're getting there I think!

After a short nap I've done a 1.45 nap and she has done a 2.5 hour nap and a 3hr nap -  ;D ;D

After the long naps I've surprisingly had more trouble and having tried a 2 hr nap she has woken at 35 or 45 mins so we'll keep working on that.

Thanks again for your advice  :)

Offline FPT23

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Re: Short naps and A Times/EASY routine help please! Nearly 4 month old
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2017, 19:43:16 pm »
Yay! Congrats on the long naps! That's a start! :D

Yes, typically when u push ONE AT, and/or if it turns out to be a short nap-- her NEXT AT should be better if reduced slightly. Just as you did it was great! :)

At this age she should be doing 3 naps typically 2, 1.5 or so hour naps and the 3rd one will usually be short... 30-45 mins.

I hope these answers help! Remember it takes days for a new routine or change to take place. Stay consistent and give it time to work!

Congrats again ;)