Having a few EW issues with 11mo DS... any thoughts on this one?
5 am EW - should be 6 am!
sometimes small bottle for EW
Then rest of day EASY is:
7.00 am breakfast
9 am bottle
11 am nap
1.30pm WU - lunch
2.30 pm bottle
3.30 or 4 pm CN (often doesn't want this), max 30/45 mins
5 pm dinner
6.15 pm bath/bedtime routine starts - then bottle
6.30 pm lights out
No night wakings except this EW. He is warm enough. Often is teething (although no visible teeth poking through right now). Learning to walk at present.
This was a night waking at 3.30 am a week or two ago, now is an EW which he usually won't go back to sleep from (is wide awake).
Thanks in advance!