Author Topic: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around  (Read 1619 times)

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Offline Realcanadianbacon

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So, toddler's sleep is pretty much settled (21months) but we now have a 7 week old to contend with. 

How do parents of two manage to keep up with toddler's activities while allowing baby to nap 3 to 4 times a day?  Toddler generally goes to playgroup twice a week, library once, movement/dancing twice a week.   If I stay home all week me and toddler will both lose our minds, but I have no idea how to get baby rested while having fun with toddler. 


Offline Pinkhippo

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2017, 14:39:34 pm »
Hi there,
I have a 3 month old and 3 year old.
My approach has been to set small goals:
1) try to get the 3 month old to sleep in his bed when I have the opportunity, at a minimum twice a day.
2) when I'm home, not to I try not to let the baby sleep on me (all that often), despite the temptation to lay back and have a good snuggle.
3) you do the best u can and be kind to yourself:)
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Offline Realcanadianbacon

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2017, 16:25:04 pm »
Up to this point we have been bedsharing and wearing for all naps, but I can certainly try for 2 crib naps during the day, and we will be starting on night sleep in the crib as well. 

Next question: I did a mixture of shh/pat and pu/pd with my first and I remember it sometimes taking quite a while for her to actually fall asleep.  And then there were the attempts at nap extensions when they were short.  How does one accomplish getting baby to sleep with a toddler needing attention at the same time? I can't spend 45 minutes in a room with a closed door while toddler runs wild.

I didn't actually start putting my first down for naps until 4+ months when she was no longer getting a decent rest in the carrier, so maybe starting earlier will mean it will be a bit easier with this guy? I would continue wearing him as I did with my first but I'm so active with toddler and she's so loud that he's already having trouble sleeping while worn. 

Offline Pinkhippo

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 18:47:24 pm »
Good questions.... Context is so important:)
I would advise you to wade in gradually, don't try to do it all at once, unless you have another person on toddler watch:)
The way I might try to go about it introducing sleep training, if I were you is to start setting the baby down in his/her bed a few times throughout the day awake.
Next, I would start shush patting the baby to sleep (even if u are wearing him/her) so they get used to that feel and sound
After that I would make sure to get them to sleep without moving them or bouncing them, then lay them in their own bed. Only do as much of this as you can handle... You getting enough sleep is important for your own functioning... I get that:)

Next I would find a chunk of time (ie: weekend), or time when friends or family can watch the toddler and work on sleep training in baby's bed.
Good luck:) make sure to celebrate your successes even in accomplishing small steps:)
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Offline Katet

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2017, 00:00:00 am »
I had a 22mo & a NB.

I worked on main nap when toddler napped, bedtime & then all the others were on the go.  DS1 & I HAD to be out of the house every single day (pretty much a morning activity & an afternoon one) or we'd not cope. DS1 right from a young age was never one for toys & so being at home was never easy so we made it work to be out of the house from 9ish -11.30 & from 3-5 almost every day.

So at that age my 22mo was pretty much WU 6.30, Nap 12noon-2.30, bedtime 7.30pm,
So the baby was something like Catnap 8ish, CN 10ish, big nap noon-2, CN 3ish, CN 5ish Bed 7ish. I found that DS2 became pretty good sleeping on the go ( he wasn't the greatest sleeper as he got older - because we didn't realise he was super Low sleep needs) & he just kept that one ong nap in the middle of the day until he dropped his nap.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2017, 17:51:29 pm »
I'm jumping in here as I have a 30 month old and a 8 week old.
To the previous poster, how do you convince the baby to take a long nap at lunch?  I feel like I would be left with another short nap.  Or does the nap lengthen because he hasn't napped much in the morning- again I would expect this to cause overtiredness and a short nap.
Thanks !!

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2017, 18:43:29 pm »
Hmmm, I have a 3yo and a 11 weeks old:)! Maybe you would like ladies to join me here? It would be great to chat with someone with LO at the same age!

0-6 months, Part 3

Offline Katet

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Re: And then there were two - napping for baby with a toddler around
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2017, 04:39:10 am »
Or does the nap lengthen because he hasn't napped much in the morning- again I would expect this to cause overtiredness and a short nap.

I think it happened because I fed close to the nap & early weeks he napped with me while DS1 napped & he just fell into that routine. Also I think because he "had" to have naps in the car or sling or stroller, he just fell into the habit & we made it work. It just had to work because I needed the nap when both boys were napping & I could carry around in a sling a crying baby if he was overtired (which didn't happen that often) & after all I went through with DS1 (my DH was really sick) I just knew that "this too will pass & it wasn't really worth overthinking if I do this I will have an overtired baby, It probably took a few weeks to get to that point, but it was like getting a set bedtime you just work towards it.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05