I had a 22mo & a NB.
I worked on main nap when toddler napped, bedtime & then all the others were on the go. DS1 & I HAD to be out of the house every single day (pretty much a morning activity & an afternoon one) or we'd not cope. DS1 right from a young age was never one for toys & so being at home was never easy so we made it work to be out of the house from 9ish -11.30 & from 3-5 almost every day.
So at that age my 22mo was pretty much WU 6.30, Nap 12noon-2.30, bedtime 7.30pm,
So the baby was something like Catnap 8ish, CN 10ish, big nap noon-2, CN 3ish, CN 5ish Bed 7ish. I found that DS2 became pretty good sleeping on the go ( he wasn't the greatest sleeper as he got older - because we didn't realise he was super Low sleep needs) & he just kept that one ong nap in the middle of the day until he dropped his nap.