Author Topic: 12.5 month old naps  (Read 2478 times)

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Offline SarahE

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12.5 month old naps
« on: March 16, 2017, 02:27:29 am »
Hi there,

Posted a few weeks ago and have been plodding on but still struggling so thought I'd try again for some help/suggestions!

12.5 month old has been napping 30 mins at 10am and 1.5 hrs at 2pm.

She's at daycare 2 days a week and does 30 mins closer to 10.30 and 1 hour closer to 2.30.

Her signs for a tweak in naps in the past has been refusing the arvo nap and resisting bedtime.

The last two to three weeks has been really mixed. She's started to resist bedtime now...usually it's 7/7.30 however these last few weeks it's been more like 8.30/9  :o

Then last week she started refusing the morning nap. On these days she either got 10 mins in the car and wen tto sleep for2 hrs at 12.30 or stayed up and went to bed at 11.39 for 2 hours. These days there was no bedtime resistance.

I was thinking if she's coping with one nap and sleeping same length across the day (2 hrs) and going to bed easily for 11-12 hrs it was a win, win.

I spoke to daycare and they said they said she's taking longer to go to sleep which is why she's not down at 10 and 2 nut didn't really have any other view on the matter.

I should add she's going 5 days at day care in a couple of weeks.

So with all this I thought this week I'll try and pop her down at 10 give it 10 mins and if not luck get her up and go for one nap around 11.30/12...

This week she's gone straight to sleep at 10am  ::) and I've  woken at 30 mins, then she gone down at 2 three days for an hour and today for 1.5.

Bedtimes have been a nightmare all week!

I'm nervous about going to one nap as it doesn't quite seem the right timing, or does it?  I'm not sure how I can sort out the bedtime resistance though...

Offline FPT23

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2017, 20:05:16 pm »
Hi hun!!

Sorry about the struggles- it's very frustrating! :( positive vibes that this all changes around for you soon!

This is a very tricky time bc they are beginning to transition to 1 nap. Not that they are ready or will drop it NOW.. but this is where they start transitioning... some earlier too. I'm in the EXACT same boat as you with our LO. It's been so overwhelming here too.

Mine was taking a great long nap but completely refused the second nap. I tried for awhile to shorten the first nap and do a longer PM nap to get him to BT with little success. I decided to just do a set nap around midday. He was already taking a nap around 11 am anyway... but that way the AT to BT wasn't so long. I find this is one of the hardest nap transitions.

I think what she was doing before was perfectly fine-- short morning nap and longer PM nap. She might just be ready for a push in her AT. There's so much developmentally going on as well so may think of this as a short regression as well. Separation anxiety starts around this time too (if it hasn't already) and that can make things twice as difficult. I feel the frustration w you currently ::)

You said on days she short napped for 10 mins in the car then had a long 12:30 pm nap, there was no BT resistance correct? If you notice, it's probably bc she had less day sleep, more AT and was ready for sleep. If she's refusing BT.. it could be a sign of UT and she's just ready to start transitioning little by little.

I would do your best to try and push that morning nap closer and closer to midday as possible... at first it won't be automatic and her AT to BT will be very long so you can try to do a CN in the afternoon. 10 mins even -- in a car ride or stroller. Mine completely fought it all so it worked better for us to just pick a nap time and stick w it. We are still a work in progress and it's still not very consistent but, it's all in the transition hun.

As far as daycare-- that's tricky but I say try and work around the nap time and ask how long it was. You can judge from there if you feel you need to add a small CN.

There is no right time for 2-1 as far as "timing" ....many babies by 12 mths have transtioned. All babies are diff. But if you can hold onto 2 naps (even if they are short mini CNs) for as long as possible, I would, as it makes it easier for them to adjust to longer ATs in the future. But it's entirely your choice and how well your baby may or may not handle it. All I can say is... consistency is key! Many hugs during this change! I'm with you in it ;)


From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)


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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 07:11:16 am »
It is so tricky isn't it.

At 10am today she was trotting round the lounge laughing, with her vest hung over her shoulder pretending it was a handbag so decided to push the morning nap. She started showing tired signs just after 11 so started nap routine and popped her to bed - straight to sleep at 11.30.

I decided to let her sleep as long as she wanted as I know from past experience popping her down at 10.30 for 30mins means no second nap til 3/3.30 and then bedtime is even later or she just has another catnap.

Well today she slept 11.30-2.40 :o.

I can't remember when she last slept like that - maybe 5-6 months ago!

Just put her to bed now - alseep 7.40 so - 5hr AT to BT.
 She was a dream all day too  ;D

With trying to push the morning closer to midday my worry would be total refusal regardless of car ride or stroller of the second nap which would lead to a mess!

I recall when I has nap issues in the early days someone suggested my lg was in the habit of giving tired signs at a set time and to push the first nap and tpit worked.

I wonder if the going fast to sleep at 10 could just be habit?

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 23:05:54 pm »
So today we were out this morning and just as we got home about 10.40 her eyes closed slightly but once we parked she was awake fully!

Gave her her lunch at 11.15 and she went to bed at 11.40 - left her in bed awake and she turned over to sleep at 11.45...

Last night she went down at 7.40 - woke at 3.30am with a high pitched scream - thinking teeth - was quickly resettles within a few mins and slept through til 7am  ;D

I am nervous it's to early for one nap but I don't feel we can push the am one later from experience as this ,ales her longer arvo one later or she just refuses....and keeping it as weare LEDs to either late bedtime and therefore less night sleep or bedtime resistance.

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2017, 07:05:47 am »

Today she slept 11.45-1.15 - woke screaming so resettles and she slept til 1.45 then woke screaming. She had pooped so got her up.

She went to sleep tonight at 7.15 and had a few whimpers...

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2017, 14:12:37 pm »
For you to know Honey 12mo is perfectly normal for transition to one nap for babies who are LSN/ASN or just have a long nights. Usually two naps going on for longer are connected with shorter nights like 10.5-11h.

Offline SarahE

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2017, 06:33:18 am »
Thanks Martini!

That is reassuring!

She slept just over 12 hours last night and had her first day at daycare on one was a bit random....

7.05 wake
11.40 - sleep
12.10 - wake but styled in bed resting, not crying or sleeping until 2pm
2pm sleep ( daycare were going to get her up as she had rested for nearly 2 hours however when they went in she had fallen to sleep!
2.45 - wake
6.40pm sleep

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2017, 07:41:14 am »
You have an angel baby honey:)!

Offline SarahE

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2017, 06:04:39 am »
Just a quick question...

One nap seems to be going well...generally 2-3 hrs around 11.45/12. The first week we were putting her to bed for 6.30/6.40 which worked well - she slept through to 7/7.15.

We hit day 10 three days ago and we have bedtime resistance again for the last three nights and an early wake up this am.

Could this be overtired and BT needs to be earlier? Or a sign transition is too early?

Offline SarahE

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Re: 12.5 month old naps
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2017, 10:42:28 am »
Same issue again today, she slept 12.10 to 2.55pm and I had BT resistance for an hour.... ???