My son will turn 2 in a few days. We've always had problems with him going to sleep (always a fussy faller-asleep), but we've always found a Tracy-Hogg solution to them. Right now the problem is that it is taking so long for him to fall asleep - together with washing up, books it is 1,5 hours, with me laying down on a mattress next to his crib and singing all sorts of request songs to the tune of Frere Jacques. I want to start teaching him independent sleep, but he gets so upset when I leave, almost hysterical. In the daytime we can leave the room while his awake for most days - we explain that we are leaving, he promises to cry and scream, and then go to sleep; and he does in about 5 min. But nightime is not so good - perhaps it's the darkness, the prospect of a long night ahead alone, I don't know. But I am tired of being a hostage in his room, especially as we're having another kid (in Aug) and we need to start teaching him independent sleep.
I've been reading about wi/wo and Gradual Withdrawal... What do you think would suit best for him? He is used to be lying next to his cot, so maybe GW?
Also, we moved to a new place 2 months ago, had some sleep issues at first, but now he sleeps OK again, just that it's hard to get out of his room. How to teach a child to not go berserk if his parents leave the room?! We've never had any narrative about darkness being something one should be afraid of (we don't even say it in the negative, e.g. "there's nothing to be afraid of"; i've always said that sleeping is so nice, i love sleeping, hehe, but nothing).
I think one problem is also that I'm quite "afraid" of him - in the sense that I'm afraid of start doing these sleep trainings, because of the way he might react. So in a way I think perhaps I am too holding on to the old routine and he senses it, deep down...
Well, anyway, thanks for the floor, I will get dinner going now.