My DS1 couldn't transition to milk (soy or cow) at 12mo, he was fine with cheeses & yogurt, but if he drank cows or soy he threw up- so we gave him toddler's formula until he was 18mo & then tried a bit of milk & he was ok by then.
Since the bad sleep seemed to be around the time he went to Soy milk, I'd go back to formula, they don't have to stop formula at 1yo it's more trying to get them off using a bottle that is more important than it being non formula.
In terms of your DH, I'd quite simply wait for when he asks for help & say "sorry if I help you, you will always keep asking for help & never learn how to do things for yourself... at least you can explain to me why you need help but our baby can't & while he cries, he's asking for help & I think it's reasonable to give it!!
It's pretty much an old wives tail that giving children too much attention makes them needy & lacking independence, it's actually the opposite, once a child knows that they will get their needs met & they have a safe base they are more likely to be independent - maybe not noticeable at 3yo, but very noticeable in older children.