Thank you for you help!
Yes bedtime is atound 7:30, sometimes a bit earlier
I've tried-- increasing milk intake, increasing A time, lessening stimulation before bed, more wind down time
When he is up in the middle of the night, he is grunting and banging his hands, or just making noises. It takes him about 30-45 min to go back to sleep. But then after 4:30 am he does this after every 45 min cycle.
He falls asleep for nap and bedtime by himself-- we change diaper, swaddle with one hand out, cuddle then lay him down. He falls asleep within 10 min usually, by himself.
For the NF, he use to take he used to take 4-5oz but now I lessen it to 3oz, trying to wean off. But he won't go to sleep and eventually cries for milk.
He turns 5 months in a few days
Thanks again!