Author Topic: Working EASY around toddler and nursery schedule  (Read 1585 times)

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Offline mrsginafrica

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Working EASY around toddler and nursery schedule
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:35:53 am »
My DS is almost 7mo and DD 3yrs but DD goes to nursery every morning and DS will go at 1yr. Current EASY is:

Wake 6:30-7 and BF
***7:45 school run (30min round trip)
Eat breakfast 8:30
Sleep 9:30-10
On a 3hr wake time this would put him going to bed at 1pm which he does BUT i need to leave at 1:45 to do school run which is too soon to wake him. Also nursery puts them down at 12 so I'd rather he slept then as he'd be used to it come the time he will go there too. They put babies down at 9am as well. But then we would be on 2hr wake times and 3 naps a day?
Is there any way to implement EASY whilst working around the existing child and nursery schedule?!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Working EASY around toddler and nursery schedule
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2017, 15:07:46 pm »
How long is it before he goes to nursery?  Unless it's imminent I wouldn't necessarily adjust your routine right now to accommodate them as a lot can change in a few weeks.  That said, have you tried just putting him down at 12?  The reason I ask is that the first nap is very short and it would not be unusual for the A time after a short nap to be much shorter.  You may find he'd be willing to take the nap then anyway. 

I wonder though if you could get that first nap longer then you could have the second nap after the 1.45 school run instead?  Realistically getting him up by 1.45pm it would be a big ask to get to a decent bedtime without another sleep, if you are doing a morning catnap/lunch long nap kind of routine you'd probably need a 2h nap as a minimum and possibly longer.  Does he wake reasonably happy from the morning nap?  If you I wonder if you could push the nap to say 9.45/10ish, sleep to around 11.30, then second nap around 2.30/3ish? 

Offline mrsginafrica

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Re: Working EASY around toddler and nursery schedule
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2017, 12:37:03 pm »
Nursery isn't imminent so you're right I can wait a little while before figuring that out. I think pushing him to nap around 10 will probably be the best solution for now - also gives me just the one child for a nap in the afternoon too ;-)