Author Topic: What's happened at bedtime?!  (Read 1265 times)

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Offline mummyW

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What's happened at bedtime?!
« on: March 27, 2017, 19:27:40 pm »
H has just turned 3, she has been a great little sleeper in her own bed for a year now. Normally at bedtime she just climbs in and goes to sleep independently within 5 minutes, same if she gets up for a pee during the night.

2 night in a row last week she woke up and after helping her to the toilet I put her back to bed and she went bananas! I literally didn't even get out the room and was racing after me and screaming "no mummy no" we eventually got "don't leave me the bad spiders will get me" 😢

The same thing has now happened the last 2 nights going to bed. I'm so ashamed to admit that I totally lost my temper, she got shouted at which clearly didn't help. We have ended up having to sit on her floor until she falls asleep the last 2 nights.

I'm not sure what on earth has happened or what on earth to do to help settle her. Any advice?

Eta: we also have a 15 month old who we're still working on her independent sleep and they go to bed at the same time.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 19:31:00 pm by mummyW »

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: What's happened at bedtime?!
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 15:26:51 pm »
hi there, it's so draining when they have slept and then don't again.

It's an age where they start to notice shadows, see shapes, stories can scare them etc.
Does she gave a night light or do you leave the light on outside her room,?

At this age we had a lot of this too and really did what your doing...sitting somewhere near while my DS1 fell asleep then few nights later sat outside the room or just pottered about upstairs until he went to sleep.

I would give her lots of cuddles, read nice easy going stories at bedtime and just be there for her, it will pass.
I know it's hard with another but you could always negotiate by saying you'll leave a small light on while you settle the other and that you'll come back and check her regularly x