Author Topic: 21 mo NW - is it becoming a habit?  (Read 1313 times)

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21 mo NW - is it becoming a habit?
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:13:56 am »
Hello! I would like opinions on my DS recent night behaviour - I think we went through a pretty bad SR starting december, and there was probably a good dose of SA and a little bit of being ill. Before that he had become really good at independent sleeping and STTN, but then he started not wanting us to leave the room at BT, waking up several times and taking a long time to resettle, always needing us right next to him and holding hands or similar. We tried WIWO first which made things worst, and started GW which we made progress with, right now we kind of still need to be in the room but are able (not always yet) to stand by the door while he goes off to sleep.
So the BT procedure is acceptable, but during the night he still wakes 2-3 times; sometimes he calls out for us and we go in, sometimes he wanders out of the room (he sleeps on a floor bed) and comes to get me or DH. He's usually ok with just being led back to his bed, we just sit next to his bed and he's back to sleep in a few minutes. Which is why I'm wondering, has it just become a habit? There is some kind of consistency in the times he wakes, although one night may be once, the next it's 4 times...any advice on how to stop this? Thank you!

Offline Katet

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Re: 21 mo NW - is it becoming a habit?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 05:02:59 am »
It's hard to know with some of the sleep hurdles that come along. Sometimes NW where they wake enough to get up are due to too much day sleep & not enough physical exercise in the day, sometimes it's SA. 

So it could be worth cutting back on the daytime nap & getting him being more active - nothing to lose on the later, although I hated losing my free time in the day when I cut back on naps.

We found with both our boys (at the suggestion of a friend) that putting a pillow & a blanket on the floor (no mattress) next to our bed, they'd come in, lie down & go to sleep, they didn't disturb me after the first few times & somewhere along the way they stopped DS1 would have been over 2yo, but DS2 was about 21mo
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline mulvia

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Re: 21 mo NW - is it becoming a habit?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2017, 05:55:14 am »
Thanks Katet, may give a go to the pillow and blanket strategy. I guess it might still be some SA - BT is 8.30ish and WU anywhere between 6 and 7.30, and lately naps are just about 1 hr long..would you think that's still too much? I always feel like he doesn't get enough but then he was never a huge sleeper so it's probably normal for him. Hurray. 😂