Hello, I've been following BW strategies from birth and have so far had a very easy baby. A few weeks ago we were at the point where we could put him down to bed almost fully awake and he'd get himself off to sleep and sleep all through the night and have two good naps. BUT, for about the last 4-5 days this has all changed. We will do his same bed time routine, give him a cuddle and lullaby until almost asleep, put him down and he immediately cries, stands up and gets very upset. It can take about 30 mins now to get him to sleep. He is doing this for his two naps too. During this period and once he is asleep he has then slept all through the night as normal, but he has also woken once or twice in the night and on being picked up will immediately go back to sleep on either mine or my husbands chest. No need for milk or anything else. Then on placing back in the cot he immediately gets distressed again. Please shed some light on the cause of this and how to fix it. He also seems to be very hungry (normally has a big appetite but these last few days is eating even more), he's also a bit more 'needy' and wants to be held a lot. He doesn't seem ill and eating well and went at the park etc has a great, happy time.
Last night I was very tired and just brought him into my bed (not done that before) and he went straight off to sleep and slept all through the night.
Any thoughts please?!....will my easy going, good sleeper come back??