Author Topic: Bedtime Help!!!  (Read 1224 times)

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Offline nutmegpeach

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Bedtime Help!!!
« on: April 04, 2017, 22:26:31 pm »
Hello group.  This is my first time posting in the BW forum and I am in need of help.  My LO is 16 months.  For the first 11/12 months he was a champion sleeper.  I would put him in the crib, walk out and he would put himself to sleep.  Somewhere around 12 month he got sick and I started weaning off breastmilk and that was the beginning of the end.  The accidental parenting began and snowballed. I have managed to somewhat get on track, but bedtime is still a problem.  After we do our bedtime routine (saying goodnight, bottle, brush, book) I put him in his crib. He appears tired but will not sleep. He will usually stand up and if I try to leave the room he will cry bloody murder. I usually end up staying in the room and extra 30-60 minutes after the routine until he sleeps.  When he stands up I put him back down and put my hand on his back if he cries. We keep doing this until he puts himself to sleep.  I then stay in the room for an extra 10-20 minutes until he is in a deep sleep before I leave.  This process is way tooooo long and draining and afterwards I am wiped out. I need some help on how to break this habit and get him back to the point where I can leave the room when I put him in the crib.  I know he knows how to put himself to sleep, I just can't sit in the room with him anymore until he does it. 

Sample Schedule:
WU: 7a 
B: ~8
L: ~12/12:30
Nap: 12:30/1-3:30 (more often than not I have to wake him up at 3:30 otherwise he won't sleep at night)
D: 5:30/6
BT: 7/7:30, asleep 8/8:30

TIA! Any advice is greatly appreciated as I cannot keep going on like this!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Bedtime Help!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2017, 05:27:09 am »
Hi there, and welcome its so draining isn't it just sitting in the dark.

I'd say looking at your day he needs a later BT and the messing about is because he's not quite tired enough after that long nap.  A lot of LO of this age need a 13 hour day to give realistic sleep over night.

I'd try having the nap 12.30-2.30 then BT 7.30 but if you want to keep the longer nap BT at 8/8.30.

You might find you have to stay in the room but for less time. It is an age where SA can peak so it might be a case of riding it out until that passes too. x