Hi there, it's such a tricky age, sleep regressions looming, developmental stuff, teeth...the list goes on

My DS2 is 14.5 months and tends to have 2 hours day sleep and 11 at night but we have broken nights at the moment as teeth are popping through.
I think if he's getting that micro nap about 11 then 1.15 of fine for his nap, does it make the night better if he's had 2 hours rather then 3 at lunch?
7-8 hours overnight is quite low for his age, is he generally low sleep needs? Personally I'd say if he's up at 4, 8pm is far too late for bed and he's possibly using that long 3 hours at lunch to catch up and the NW/ew are from OT.
I'd try keeping that micro nap at 11 putting him for a nap at 1.15 if he goes down well but having him up by 3pm then in bed by 7pm latest and see if he can catch up or get back on track x