I'm at my wits end with this. My little boy is bearly 8 months old and would stay awake all day if he could. I watch for his sleep cues and we do story, cuddle and in sleeping bag and cot awake. He nearly always protest cries for a few minutes before going to sleep. But then 25-30 mins later he is awake and crying/rubbing eyes. I've tried shush pat and gradual retreat but me being there is making him more angry. I don't know what to do anymore. Most days he has 2 or 3 short naps and then by 6 he's cranky so we have to go a really early bedtime. He's always asleep by 6.45-7 and with the same protest cries most of the time.
He has a dream feed and then a bf at 3-4am but there are usually other night time waking as well. I'm so fed up, I feel like I'm doing a rubbish job as a mum most of the time because he just doesn't sleep enough. He probably gets 11-12 hours a day in total. Would prob help if I posted our routine..
6-7am wake and bf
8-8.30 solids for breakfast
9.20ish down for nap
10.30 bf
12.30 solids for lunch
1-1.30 down for nap. This always ends up being short and then we have to try a later nap as well, I would like this to be longer so he doesn't get overtired later.
3ish bf
4.30/4.45 solids for dinner
6-6.15 bath, stories, bottle, cuddles/goodnight
6.45-7 asleep
10pm dream feed
2.30/3/4am one bf for 15 mins