WU between 6:30-7, usually around 6:45, but if not up by 7 I wake her
1-3 nap (If at daycare she sometimes falls asleep at 12:45/12:50, at home it's usually 1:05/1:10. Sometimes she wakes up at 2:45, other times I have to wake her, no later than 3:25)
6:40 bath, stories, milk
7:20/7:30 take to her room and sing songs, lay down in crib ~7:40
~8:15 falls asleep
She used to fall asleep between 7:45-8 but for the past 2 months it's been no sooner than 8:15, and sometimes as late as 8:45/9 if she is OT or riled up. IT doesn't seem to matter whether she lays down a little earlier or a little later, she still takes forever to fall asleep, whether she is talking herself to sleep or I have to be in there. It is most frustrating when she is laying there talking to herself but won't let me leave the room, because she is obviously fine. Today she only napped for an hour at daycare so I figured she'd be super tired by bedtime, but she didn't even yawn. I laid her down at 7:35 and she was crying at 7:37. As soon as I walked in the room she laid right back down and then looked up at me to see if I was going to rub her back. I told her I would rub her back for a minute and then I was going to go. As soon as I started to walk away from the crib she was already complaining and then crying. And the cycle continued with her not acting like she was going to sleep anytime soon. She finally fell asleep at 8:30 with me hovering right above her. I tried to sit on the floor next to her crib like I have in the past, but she stood right up and looked at me whining "mommy". The last time she pulled this at bedtime a couple months ago I was able to lay on her floor until she fell asleep, but I don't want to get in that habit because then if she wakes up at night for any reason she will expect me to be there.