Hi there,
My daughter is 20 months old and she transitioned into her bed at 18 months. I know this is slightly earlier than normal but we have a 2nd baby on the way and wanted to make sure she was in the settled in the bed before the new baby comes along.
She has always been an amazing sleeper at night time. She asks to go to bed herself and we normally put her down, kiss night night and leave her to it. When we moved her into the cot this continued for about 6 weeks but the last two weeks she suddenly doesn't want to go to bed and is up and down like a yoyo. She cries for mummy if daddy put her to bed and vice versa. Mostly she will go to sleep after one of us has put her back to bed two or three times but the last night or so she is up countless times and it is taking over an hour to settle her.
She naps about an hour at nursery, gets up between 7-730 with bedtime at 7pm (i.e. bath around 6pm, story and in bed for 7pm). She used to be asleep in 10-15 mins but now is a different story...On a good day she is asleep by 7.30, on a bad day 8pm. Its almost 8.30pm now and she's still up.
The last time we had a bad night like this we gave her the dummy and she stayed in bed but she hasn't used a dummy at night for months and months. It's only just in exceptional circumstances (unwell, different location etc) and I certainly don't want to give in and start the dummy at this age.
We have bought a stair gate for her room but havent fitted it yet so when she is getting up she is standing in the hall at the the top of the stairs shouting / crying for us. As soon as we go to her she calms down quick and is all smiles so I'm sure there is nothing wrong with her and this is just her testing boundaries now that she knows she can get up and have us coming to her every 5 minutes?
Any advice please?
Thanks so much