Progress... sort of. 3 night wakings instead of two, so I was tired.
NW 2:30, 4:00, 6:40
WU 8:00
E 8:15
E 9:10
S 9:40-10:25 (45m) -- she was so fussy I put her to sleep after only 1:40 A time, but I guess that was UT. I went in at :35 to pat her thru the transition, but even though I was patting, she woke up. At least she woke up happy...
E 10:55 (wasn't hungry right away)
S 12:10-1:10 (1h) -- this was after 1:45 A time. She fell asleep in the carrier while I walked. Tried to extend -- I was nearby and watching for the transition... :35, nothing, :40, nothing, :45, nothing, :50, nothing, *snoozed* and when I woke up at 1h she was awake and quiet. Sigh. UT still?? But I didn't even put her to sleep... she fell asleep herself...
A 1:10-1:45 Tried shush-patting but she just grinned up at me like "Hahaha Mommy what a funny noise you're making." Tried bouncing -- she went to sleep but wouldn't stay asleep. Finally I gave up and...
E 1:45 ...fed her lying down. Figured at least *I* could get a snooze in, and...
S 1:45-4:10 ...when I woke up she was sleeping, so I figured why mess with a good thing, right?
E 3:30 (partway thru nap because I woke her by coughing)
So the first half of the day was a mess, but then again, we ended up awake at 4pm with 4 hours of sleep, so maybe not so bad?
CN 5:25-6:00
E 6:15
E 7:30
S 8:20 ...after 2:20 A time
I usually end up nursing her back to sleep a few times in the evenings. Sometimes it doesn't work and there's bouncing involved too. Sighhhh. Gotta go.