my dd sleeps through the night from when is was 10 mo, now at 15 months she started to lengthen her nap to 3 or even 3,5 h and to wake up earlier. also it takes longer (20-30 min to get her to fall asleep at bedtime, compared to 5-10 min as it was before). she dropped her second nap soon after turning 1.
her schedule before thing changed;
7-7:30 wu
12:30 nap for 2-2,5 h
20:30 bath
21 asleep
6-7 wu
12:30 long nap...sometimes longer than 3 h
20:30-21 bath
21:30-21:25 asleep
my question: should i try to change somnething or is this just a phase? is it normal to nap that much?
her total sleep time is just fine as she is happy and not fussy, but also so strange