Ack, sorry, I'm getting so confused. I *should* expect a full A time (or maybe just slightly shorter) after the CN? So in our case, around 1h30m? That would make sense because I can never get her to go to sleep within 1.5 hours of that last nap even when I start trying earlier.
But... the math is off for us because she's such a quick eater. Feeds take 10-20 minutes, and I expect one or the other would be on the short side, so say 30 mins for feeds. And we can't do much for a BT routine -- most of the standard items are either stimulating or don't apply to a 4-month-old. I definitely think baths are too stimulating to do at BT for her... she doesn't mind the bath itself so much, but coming out is always an ordeal. We basically just do diaper, jammies, sing a song, but that only takes, what, 10 minutes? (Side note: we don't do much for a pre-nap routine either - she's always cranky and doesn't want to do much but go to sleep.)
So I guess I still have a good 40 minutes to fill... I can't spend it all just sitting and holding her... I mean, I could, but... in that last A time, she tends to be *fussy* even if she's not tired enough to sleep -- for example, she'll sit quietly for a while, then fuss; sit quietly for a book or two, then fuss; quiet for a stroll around the house, then fuss, etc. I guess I should go take that infant massage class.