My DD is 2.5 yrs old and has been in dropping last nap transition period for about 3 months. She would take nap occtionally and on the no nap days, she would sleep from 6pm to 7 or 7:30am. But NW happened off and on.
For the last 2 weeks, she only took nap once. So it seems like she has finished the transition. Bedtime is still at 6pm for the whole last 2 weeks, and can sleep to at least 7am. But the problem is that she goes to daycare 2 days a week, she is extremely tried on these two days. And she won't even make up the sleep after or between these two school days(Tuesday and Thursday). So NW is still happening especially on these two nights.
So how can I fix this? Even earlier bedtime than 6pm? It is kind of tricky to me, how early will the dinner time be? Not to mention we have half an hour family time before bedtime and at least half an hour washing, changing PJ, having a bottle and brushing teeth time.
And how long will this period take? I mean no NW, no OT on daycare days? But I am pretty sure that she won't nap now. I've tried lie down with her till 4pm and put her in car seat. She is pretty happy in the whole afternoon.