My LO is a great sleeper.... When her AT is exactly right and she is not teething etc. (When stars are aligned)
Yesterday was one if those afternoons when nothing aligned unless it was against sleep (overstimulation, undertired, teething, untimely pooping, developmental milestones, loud thunderstorm....)
Anyways, she just would not settle.
I tried restarting PD routine a few times, I tried nursing and holding/rocking... 2h later LO still would not settle. She was pretty content most if the time.... Sitting up, crawling etc. The actual crying didn't start till about 2h when she was just so OT, at that point I picked her up and she passed out immediately.
If she had not passed out on my shoulder I was going to throw in the towel and give up on that nap.
What is the recommendation when this sort of thing happens? When do you just give up and push to BT? Or early BT?