as suggested i make a new post.
My name is Daniela and I'm writing from Italy. We don't have forum for bottle feeding since is not socially accepted (we have only breast feeding consulting)..and I need your help.
I have a 5 week old baby who is on a 3 hour routine.
We have removed 1am feeding 4 nights ago, so now he eats more beacuse we passed from 8 to 7 suck
and it's not easy for him, sometime it seems too much for him since he brings up.
At the same time I would like to remove night feeding, and I can't increase formula quantity.
I have a feeding diary and I think I gave him too much formula because before remove 1am and 5am suck he was used to take 700 ml, with 3 hour routine and wake up 3 am he took 870 ml..with stomachache
Since I have noted he can stay 4 hour without feeding ..can I not wake up him to feed during the day and pass to a 4 hour routine?
Many thanks,