I'm so with you at the minute. My hubby is away all week and lg also trying to toilet train herself!! 🙈
I've had a full meltdown before bath time cosni stopped her messing around and basically I was trying to make her have some quiet time before bed!
Last night it was past 8 when she finally settled having gone down by 7 after an hour nap at nursery. Today she's woken before 6 as she was all awake when I checked her camera at just after 6. She doesn't come out of her room til get up time around 6:45. They're the rules I'm afraid. Consequently after such a short night for her she was grumpy this morning. She's had an hour and a half nap at my mums, later than I'd usually allow, gotta love a grandparent!
As she was so hysterical I thought maybe she feeling a bit overtired so opted for a slightly earlier bedtime by 15 mins, how wrong can you be, currently messing around in bed as I type!!!
Like you say, I totally give up 🙈😳😔