Hello! It's been so long since I posted on this forum, very nice to be back and get awesome advice from all of you!
I have a 3 month old boy. We don't have a set schedule but I have been following EASY since birth. Our days never look the same, and that's fine. He falls asleep on his own in his pack and play with a little soothing from his paci and when he needs it a little pat on the back.
We encounter any kind of nap on our days, 30 minutes, 40-45-50 minutes, 1 hour or 1 hour and 10-20-30-40 minutes, up to 2 hours. Usually if he is going for more than 2 hours I wake him up. The thing is I never know how long his naps are going to be, and I end up sticking around watching him on and off to help him transition in case he is waking early from a nap. So I don't get much time for myself, since I work from home I really need his nap time for myself. My main concern comes from the following though, he just passed his 3 month growth spurt as well as his 12 week wonder week, or so I think. But since then he keeps eating every 2, 2.5 or 3 hours never in a consistent way like before, actually this has been happening since 10 weeks. For some reason I thought once we passed the 3 month spurt/wonder week, his feeding schedule would be back to 3 hours and therefore he would start napping 1.5 hours. What is throwing me off, is that he keeps waking from his naps at odd minutes, like 50 minutes or 1 hour and 10 minutes, almost never fully finishing the 2 sleep cycles, but well passed the first 45 minute cycle. And when this happens its usually around the 2 hour mark from his last feed, or 2.5. Almost never gets to 3 hours, although he does sometimes.
As you can see all this inconsistency in his routine, makes it very hard for us to follow his needs. I feel like I no longer know when he should eat, if I put him to nap too early or too late, etc.
Could it be possible that he's still going through the grow spurt, and this keeps throwing off our naps? It's been already more than a week since it started, one day after a few days in he slept for 3 hours and started eating in longer stretches, which is why I thought we were through, but now we are back to 2 - 2.5 hour feedings. Not sure what to think. Any advice?
Yesderday looked like this:
S-6:00 bedtime
E-8:00 and straight to bed
Night feedings at 12 am and 3 am
I don't DF because I have noticed it doesn't help DS, when he wakes between 10-11 pm for a feed he still wakes for his 3 am feed.
He is EBF.
This morning we woke up at 5:45 and had his feed and our day started afterwards. I give him an early bedtime because he usually wakes between 5:30 and 6 am. His afternoon naps are short and poor, so he is usually too tired to catnap one more time in order to have time to extend his bedtime.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts! Thank you!!!