Author Topic: please help me with the E from our EASY  (Read 2249 times)

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Offline Alina.fluturas

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please help me with the E from our EASY
« on: July 23, 2017, 18:56:12 pm »
My baby is 4 months old. I'm guessinghe should be on an at least 3h feeding schedule right? Well I'm really struggling here. He is EBF and will only take one breast at a time. I offer the other breast and 96% of the time he refuses it. Then an hour later he will take it ( which obviously means no 3 hourly EASY for us anymore), nowadays with leap 4 he even uses this second breast offer to fall asleep which is yet another problem these days.
What can I do, if I don't offer the second breast 0.5-1h later I'm worried he will not take all calories in the day or will go down for a nap with not enough milk and will wake up early as he is hungry (although these days I admit he naps only for 45 mins at a time - this is since leap 4 started. If I express and give in a bottle he does the same thing - will eat around 2oz initially then if I give the bottle again 30mins later he will most times take the rest. I'm thinking he could take more in one go - all those formula fed babies drink 6-7oz of formula at this age and presumably in one go so my baby's stomach surely can accomodate more than 2-3 oz.
How can I sort this out? It's the main thing that stops our routine from working the way I see it.

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Re: please help me with the E from our EASY
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2017, 07:01:37 am »
Hi there

yes I would expect a 4 month old to be on 3hr E but all LOs are different, I suppose the thing is to work out if your LO does need these additional feeds or if there is a snacking habit.
Does your LO have any signs of reflux or silent reflux?  Refluxers often feed more frequently because it helps with the discomfort of the acid.  Have you thought about this at all?

Try not to compare with other babies, I know we can't always help it.  My DS was formula fed and I don't think he ever once took 6oz in the day that you refer to, he could take that amount at BT and at the DF time (although he woke for it) and perhaps once in a blue moon during a growth spurt, and he was probably much older than your LO by the time he could take as much as 6oz at BT/DF, I can't claim to remember exactly what he took at BT when he was 4 months but I imagine more like 4oz.  My DS is not "the norm" on amounts of milk but he gained weight and grew absolutely fine.  Again I can't remember the exact age (possibly 4-6 months or older) but I do remember for a good time mine taking around 2oz or just over, not reaching 3oz for day feeds.  He fed every 3hrs.  Whilst I'm saying try not to compare I'm also showing you an example of my DS to compare to! Because not every baby takes what is written on the side of the formula pack.

If naps are short anyway I wouldn't really worry about him waking hungry, I'd probably go for the nap without the additional feed before hand to avoid/break the F2S prop and feed him when he wakes instead.  I suppose there is a slight possibility that putting him down on a full tummy for naps could be causing some discomfort (reflux or wind, gas) which is bringing him awake at the sleep transition rather than staying asleep.

If your LO really does need to eat that frequently though you can work an EASY routine around it, we adapt routines here all the time for LOs needs.

Offline Alina.fluturas

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Re: please help me with the E from our EASY
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2017, 12:37:56 pm »
Thank you so much for replying
'm starting to think it was snacking and this F2S thing may have overfed him and may have even caused him an upset tummy. I'm saying this because for the last few days he has been having far more dirty nappies than usual.
This morning he only nursed from one breast and consistently refused the other so haven't offered it anymore.
I put him for nap without feeding and after some really hard fighting he fell asleep and slept for 2 hours!
Fed when he woke up around 10.30 am and then put him for second nap at 12.10-12.15pm. He cried so much and screamed so loud it was crazy. he finally fell asleep more in my arms so put him down in his crib and woke up half an hour later. Wasn't sure why, I was worried I kept him awake too much (with all the screaming he fell asleep around 12.30pm so he ended up awake for 2 hs). Fed him around 13.15pm and as I was feeding him he had a massive liquid poo ( he had a similar one in the morning) so I wonder if an upset tummy woke him up rather than over tiredness?
Anyway I'll see what happens the rest of the day, not sure if I should try putting him a little earlier for nap as he ony had half hour sleep this time around.
I guess I'll just watch him and maybe try a nap after 1.5hs or a bit less?...

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Re: please help me with the E from our EASY
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2017, 06:49:44 am »
I put him for nap without feeding and after some really hard fighting he fell asleep and slept for 2 hours!
That's great!! :)

Yes, try to aim for sleep around 1hr 30 or just under, some times that A time will end up long if LO is resisting the nap or making a fuss but that's not always avoidable, we just do our best.

I'm going to move your thread over to the BF board, okay?  I think your question is more linked to BF and you can get some advice, tips or reassurance about the one breast feed, the liquid poo etc.  The ladies over there are also great with routine.  I'll still see your updates.

Offline Alina.fluturas

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Re: please help me with the E from our EASY
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2017, 14:13:58 pm »
Creations thank you!

Just an update, I got rid of the F2S prop and baby has been falling asleep on his own for most naps for the last 2 days within 5 mins.
I decided I will feed every 3hs but offer the second breast here and there for a top up but never too close to nap time so I don't end up in the F2S situation again. xx

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Re: please help me with the E from our EASY
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2017, 21:59:09 pm »
Sounds like you already have a resolution but I just wanted to say that little and often is a much more natural and healthy way of feeding. BF babies on average need 24oz of breastmilk a day and the normal range is anything 19-30oz, so if your LO has 7 feeds a day he'd only need to take 3-4oz a feed. 6oz would be a lot. You don't want to stretch that little tummy.

I used to find one of mine liked to have one breast and then have a burp, a nappy change and a quick cuddle and then he'd take the second side.
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