Wow -- creations and annesmom -- thank you for your responses! I read both of them 2 days ago and didn't have a chance to reply until now. You've really helped me reflect on my EASY routine. Every day is a bit different.
Annesmom- Yeah, I am fine with him having a catnap for the 3rd one. we just haven't really gotten the rhythm down yet. I think it's a good strategy for resettling. I'll try to get a read on him when he wakes early. I feel like some days are just trying to get him to sleep/ stay asleep.
Creations -- I love the way you put it that LO and I are a team working together on this. The idea of winning or losing didn't seem right with anything I've read from Tracy or the forums and it's not the philosophy I want to have either.
Also, thanks for the W2S links. ive tried in these past weeks with mixed success.
It's interesting what you've said about my afternoons. Below, I'm including our actual days from yesterday and today because they have been a bit of a mess. -
11am - wake and feed
1pm : nap 2
2:30 - wake and feed
here E is at 3.5hrs and he has likely managed this because he was sleeping (it's easier to go longer between E when asleep)
Quote from: Lcollier22 on July 24, 2017, 18:03:25 pm
2:30 - wake and feed
4:30 - short nap
5:15 - wake and feed
Here, as last E time was 2.30, 3hr later would be 5.30pm There is a chance that a top up before this nap could possibly have helped him take a longer nap - you could try it. I say this because you've mentioned he only seems happy to go 3.5hrs sometimes, not all the time which means waiting 2.30 - 6pm (which would be the end of the nap if it was 1.5hr long) could be a bit too long for him just yet. he can possibly manage it once in the day but perhaps not twice, it could just be that he is ready to move closer to 3.5 hrs in a couple of weeks or in another month.
I'm still trying to figure out the afternoon naps and Es. I tend to try to feed more as we get closer to bedtime. not really cluster feeding, but trying to get calories in during the day. That second nap was the hardest one to get him down for, and I think he can do a longer A time. However, Im now having trouble with the morning nap, too. Yesterday and today, for example, has gone like this so far:
4:45am - Night feed and back to sleep immediately
8am - E wake and first feed
---- A
10am - S We started to wind down at 9:20 or so and usually this is the easiest one, but today not so much. it took until 10for him to settle and sleep.
10:40 - wake up. I tried to resettle him until 11 but he was not a happy camper, so I sat him near his favorite window and he looked out for a while.
11:15 - E
----- A
1:30 - S on the go. He slept in his stroller. He was zoning out but not sleeping since about 1:10 or 1:15.
2:40 - wake up
3:00 - E He wasn't hungry right when he woke up. We were at a friend's house and he was quite distracted for this feed.
----- A
5:20- E I tried to settle him for a nap at 5ish and he was showing hunger cues, so we had a good, non-distracted meal.
5:50 - S it took about 10mins to settle him.
6:30 woke him up to not ruin bedtime
7:20 E He was begging for this because he knows he eats at the beginning of bedtime routine
7:45 - start bedtime routine (diaper change, goodnight moon, song, then put him in bed)
7:55 - S out like a light. He goes down really easily at bedtime (for now, at least!)
10:45 - dreamfeed
Then today - we didn't do as well on napping
5:15 - night feed (this is usually 5 hours and 45 mins after he finishes his dream feed, no matter when between 10 and 11pm that i feed him)
7:50 - wake up
8am -E first feed
----- A I tried to pay attention to his cues but didn't get it quite right
10:20 - S I started to get him ready for the nap just after 9:30. He was very unhappy and screaming through 15 mins of pupd, so we took a 15min break until 10am. Then we went down without screaming but it still took 20mins to settle him into sleep. I tried W2S here without success
11am - He wakes up. I tried to settle him back down but after 10 -15 mins he had wound himself up again so I decided to stop.
11:15 - E - this actually ended up being in two parts because of a phone call I had to take
----- A
12:00 - E part 2
----- A We went out and I had him in a front carrier, which usually calms him, but he was not having it
2:40 - S after a long time of shhpat, pupd, singing, general calming. This was because I was counting on him sleeping at least a bit in the front carrier and he didnt so his a time was way too long
3:15 E - look who is awake and hungry!
----- A
4:20 - S I actually tried to resettle him starting a bit before 4, because he was very tired after eating. I think this migt have worked except a poopy diaper ruined the plan and woke him up. After the change his was obviously overtired and we spent 30mins calming him down
That brings us to now 5:15pm. He's still sleeping! Yay!
I feel like i have spent all day trying to help an OT baby sleep. Poor guy. If I miss the window of sleep opportunity then everything goes haywire! I have been trying to be conscious of feeding before naps and I think that will help us. Our dr recommended starting solids at 5 months, which is the end of next week, so I guess that will change things as well.
I know that these are pretty crazy days, but that seems to be all I can manage sometimes. Any more tips would be great.
Also, when he is really riled up during pupd, I often use movement (gentle swaying) to calm him down. I keep him upright and don't sway him to sleep, but he calms down much faster, which often means less time overall because he doesnt get so worked up. Thoughts on this? I know rocking to sleep is a no-no.
Regardless, even these past days have been an improvement, because we went from basically no routine and sometimes no naps with a serious nursing sleep prop, to getting into a rhythm, at least a bit, and some napping. Also, nights are more predictable.
thanks again for the help. every day is an adventure.