My 7month old DS is not taking enough of his bottle before bed (7pm) and it's leading to him waking an hour early in the mornings for a feed, after which he's happy to go back to sleep til his fixed WU time of 7am. He doesn't have a DF (never found it worked for him) and he used to take more milk in the evening and then sleep through happily til 7am. I don't believe the issue is that he's waking as he's had enough sleep (given he'll happily go back to sleep) but is because he just won't finish his bedtime bottle.
Could someone offer me some advice on how to tweak our routine to get him to take more milk in the evenings (or just generally during the day) as I suspect the introduction of more solids is what's thrown us off!
6am - Waking for feed. Takes anywhere between 4-6oz. He is put back down in cot after this and falls asleep independently.
7am - Fixed WU. Offered more milk feed but won't take much if he's had 6oz an hour ago!
8am - Solids
10am - Nap (1.5-2hours usually)
11:30/12 - 7oz bottle followed by Solids 30mins later
2:30pm/3pm - Nap. Exact time down depends on how long he slept in the morning. (1hour usually)
3:30/4pm - 7oz Bottle when he wakes from nap
5:30pm - Solids
6:45pm - bedtime bottle, but rarely takes the full 7oz, usually having about 5oz.
7pm - Bedtime
I don't feel he's taking enough milk in the day for his age, but if I offer bottles more frequently he either isn't interested or tends to snack. Perhaps I should be offering him smaller bottles more frequently? Whenever he has solids he is also offered water in a cup, but he generally only has a small amount. He isn't a big eater yet either - we do a mixture of finger foods and purees but he only takes small amounts (I'm hoping this might improve once he stops teething as his front teeth are close to coming through and clearly bothering him).
Any suggestions welcome!