Author Topic: 30 min naps @ 6 weeks messing up whole EASY  (Read 1281 times)

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Offline Ciuci

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30 min naps @ 6 weeks messing up whole EASY
« on: August 10, 2017, 06:36:53 am »
DS2 is 6 weeks old and on a 2-2:30 hour EASY which I've tried to establish from the beginning but it's not working brilliantly due to gas/colic and lately this:

In the past 2 weeks he's started sleeping 30 minute naps. Apart from the fact that he's horribly OT, this messes up the whole routine and I'm a bit puzzled on how to approach. Consider this:

7:00 WU & breastfeed (even though I bf also at 6:00 when he woke up but fell back deep asleep as if it were a night feeding)
7:15 A diaper, belly time, watch overbed carousel while mommy brushes teeth :D
7:50 already shows signs of tiredness. Wind-down routine takes about 1 minute: draw blinds, sing song, swaddle, sit, lay in bed. It's so short because he already starts fussing when he's swaddled in my arms. Then place in bed, he starts throwing a fit - apply shh/pat but the boy has stamina
8:20 finally falls asleep out of exhaustion
8:50 wakes up screaming because he's OT, no amount of shh/pat or even pu/pd can get him to calm down or fall back asleep. If he does, he sleeps maybe 5 min and wakes up fitful again
9:30 he's been screaming hysterically for the past 40 min, at which point it's already 2:30 hrs since he last ate so he might also be hungry by now so I decide to bf
9:40 falls asleep at the breast out of sheer exhaustion. Here 2 scenarios are possible:

Option 1: he's so deep asleep, I let him sleep and he sleeps another 30 min - then what?? Bf again??
Option 2: he wakes up after 5 min at which point we go do a bit of A time, max 10 min and then I try to put him to sleep again because he's OT after jut 30 min sleep and the drama takes on from the top.

How do I handle? I tried w2s once but didn't work...
My problem is that it's messing up the whole routine so I end up bf less than 2 hrs apart just to keep some sort of EAS sequence, and on the other hand he's completely OT due to these 30 min naps. The only time he would sleep well is in the sling and towards the end of the day he always ends up there - to catch up on sleep and because DD1 comes home and we need some time without DS2 screaming from OT.

Thanks in advance for the answers!

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Re: 30 min naps @ 6 weeks messing up whole EASY
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2017, 16:09:50 pm »
Hi there and congratulations on your new son!

First of all he is still so young, it is great you are trying to get a routine but second of all if he is gassy then no it may take a while to get him established in a routine!

Definitely start your wind down at those sleepy signs but then TBH I would be tempted to get him quite sleepy hilt holding him - does that work? At 6 weeks I wouldn't try so hard with the shh/pat. Maybe hold him and do the shh/pat so that he is getting used to it now.

What do you think?

I am not sure on the feeding so I have asked for some help there x

Offline Ciuci

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Re: 30 min naps @ 6 weeks messing up whole EASY
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2017, 08:03:52 am »
 Thanks for the reply! He's not getting sleepy when I hold him. The sleepier / more tired he is, the more he starts to fuss, sometimes even in the sling he can scream for 10 min if I've passed his sleepy window. Fact is, in bed he always ends up falling asleep out of sheer exhaustion from crying. Btw, car and buggy are even worse, there he just screams and never falls asleep.

The only times he falls asleep rather ok and manages (soemtimes) to put together more sleep cycles is when he sleeps in the sling. For now it works, but he's getting heavier and my back isn't getting younger.

My daughter was EXACTLY the same, just as gassy and fussy, I carried her in a sling all day long intil 4 months old when I read the book and did one week pu/pd to teach her to sleep in her bed. So *that* scenario I know and I can always wait until then to do the same. I was just hoping that this time I could start earlier, maybe it would be easier.