Author Topic: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle  (Read 4237 times)

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Offline Jojo290615

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Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« on: August 19, 2017, 08:29:39 am »

Looking for some advice :)

My little boy just turned two and we still give him his bedtime bottle. We give it to him in his crib. He doesn't fall asleep with it though. He will drink it and then chat with his teddies and read a book etc.
Is it wrong to still be giving him a bedtime bottle?

Thanks :)

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Re: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2017, 14:49:50 pm »
Are you brushing his teeth after the bottle? If you aren't then you really need to change that as the sugars in milk are going to cause issues for him.

My son had his bedtime bottle until he was 2.5, it wasn't great, but we weren't able to get rid of it before without upset. You could change your routine around to get rid of it more easily, so milk downstairs then stories etc in his room then brush teeth (you need to leave about 20 mins after the milk before you brush) or whatever suits you to break having the bottle in the cot. You can also get rid of the bottles cold turkey and have a "special" milk cup if he would go for it. He's old enough to understand bottles are for babies and he is a big boy now I would think. ;)

Another reason to get rid of the big bedtime drink is that it will make night dryness easier when you potty train. Although night dryness is hormone driven, having less in his bladder at bedtime will help.


Offline Jojo290615

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Re: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2017, 17:09:19 pm »
Thanks for the reply and advice.

As you suggested we switched his routine a bit. He had his milk in a sippy cup while watching some cartoons. He always watches 20  after diner and before bath time. He usually has some apple but the milk went down a treat :) I gave him a bit less too. 100ml instead of 200ml as you said I'm hoping it will make his diaper less wet.
Then we had a bath, brushed teeth, pjs and then story time in his bedroom. Then instead of giving him his bottle we have him a book to read in bed and no fuss was made. Yay! And hopefully that will be our routine from now on.. also good that he takes a book in his crib.. like he will when we transition him to his toddler bed.

Thanks again!

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Re: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2017, 17:10:56 pm »
Yeah! I wish our transitions to no bottle was that smooth! Lol! Well done!!


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Re: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2017, 18:04:57 pm »
I am chuckling to myself at this thread - in the space of 9 hours you have dropped the BT bottle without issue. Wonderful!!

Offline Jojo290615

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Re: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2017, 20:36:33 pm »
I know I was quite surprised! But I guess he never used the bottle to fall asleep so that must help:)
Hope it lasts!

Offline Jojo290615

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Re: Bedtime bottle and morning bottle
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2017, 10:53:08 am »
So I also dropped the milk bottle this morning.🎉🎉

My lo normally wakes up around 6:15.. grow clock sun comes up at 6:30 where he calls out to me. I would normally give him his bottle and some toys in his crib. We go back to bed for about 20 mins and he will play and read. This mornimg I just gave him the toys and he didn't say anything about the milk!

He did wake in the night around 1, half asleep asking for his book! Which has never done before. But he resettled shortly after I went in. So maybe he knows something is different in his routine.
I'll stick to it anyway and see how things go.