Hi, so I have loosely been following easy with my DS who is 15 weeks since he was born but after 2 weeks of him crying hysterically at bedtime I decided from today I am going to stick with it 100%
My DS was 3 weeks early and spent 16 Days in Nicu, he then developed reflux when we got him home, he is on ranitidine for the reflux and this Seems to have settled down.
I have always tried to put him in his crib awake for naps and bedtimes, he has no problem with being put down and sometimes prefers to go in it rather than being rocked.
My main issues are he only catnaps at the minute and bedtime has become a struggle, i dread it [ftp]
i will take him upstairs as soon as he starts to show signs of tiredness, but he seems to just fight it, last night it took from 7.30 until 11.30 to settle him, he gets so worked up he won't let me cuddle him he just seems to shout and be angry whilst crying hysterically! The other day he woke at 7am and slept about 1 hour the whole day in 10 min naps I had to resort to taking him out in the car at midnight to settle him.
I think I've figured out he is definitely overtired so today I implemented easy, he had a 2 and half hour nap in the afternoon which he hasn't don't for a long time! He woke from this long nap at 16.40 he eat 6 ozs and I have just bathed him. When I got him out the bath he was crying which sounded like his hungry cry so I gave him another 3oz he ate all that and was falling asleep. Tried to wake him but he was so sleepy so I've put him in his cot and now he's asleep. Not sure if I treat this as his last catnap or leave him askeep?
This is my routine today
Woke 9.10 am
E 9.10 4.5oz
A 9.10 - 10.35
E 10.35 3oz
S 10.45
A 11.00 in cot didn't cry
S 12.00
A 12.50
E 13.25 5oz
A 13.30
E 13.50 2oz
S 14.10 - 16.40
E 16.40 6oz
A 16.45 bath 5.40
E 5.50 3 oz
S 18.00
He seems to eat then I'm tipping him back up an hour later, I've tried giving him more on his main feed but he won't have it?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks Estee