Those wakings sound pretty normal for her age, to be honest. If you can feed at 3-4am when she wakes, that waking might be shorter but if she's not upset, you can just leave her to it, you don't need to intervene just because she's not asleep unless she's upset and needing attention re: feed/nappy change, etc.
Yes, off days will happen and you'll have to recover from them - I tended to plan 2 days at home to get back on track if we were going to have a day or two off routine. If we were away for a week or more, we just tried to stick to the routine as much as possible even if that meant car naps or pram naps, etc.
It seems you have a routine that you're happy with and that suits her. Did you want to move towards independent sleep more - so you don't have to lie with her for every nap?