Author Topic: Almost 7 MO and still catnapping - any advice?  (Read 4396 times)

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Offline alesmora

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Re: Almost 7 MO and still catnapping - any advice?
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2017, 17:46:47 pm »
I forgot to mention that I'm giving solids in the afternoon after pm nap now as suggested from you and works much better, thanks for the advice. It hasn't helped with NWs though  :(

Offline becj86

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Re: Almost 7 MO and still catnapping - any advice?
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2017, 21:39:10 pm »
Those wakings sound pretty normal for her age, to be honest. If you can feed at 3-4am when she wakes, that waking might be shorter but if she's not upset, you can just leave her to it, you don't need to intervene just because she's not asleep unless she's upset and needing attention re: feed/nappy change, etc.

Yes, off days will happen and you'll have to recover from them - I tended to plan 2 days at home to get back on track if we were going to have a day or two off routine. If we were away for a week or more, we just tried to stick to the routine as much as possible even if that meant car naps or pram naps, etc.

It seems you have a routine that you're happy with and that suits her. Did you want to move towards independent sleep more - so you don't have to lie with her for every nap?

Offline alesmora

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Re: Almost 7 MO and still catnapping - any advice?
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2017, 22:06:02 pm »
Thanks, yes I think NW is just a developmental thing.
Re naps, yes, routine now is good but I whish she could learn to sleep longer on her own, without me laying next to her all the times. I had managed to do that but now it seems LO is in a new phase, let's see of this changes again once you're back home in couple of days. Is there any way to change this - me beeing her prop?
Also, my LO is still soo overtired, it looks like she's not able to make up all the sleep she wasn't getting with short naps or during the night :-(

Offline becj86

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Re: Almost 7 MO and still catnapping - any advice?
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2017, 22:37:48 pm »
Is there any way to change this - me beeing her prop?
Yes, you can gradually reduce your assistance and remove yourself from the equation. It will take some time but we can come up with some steps together.

Also, my LO is still soo overtired, it looks like she's not able to make up all the sleep she wasn't getting with short naps or during the night :-(
Why do you say this? If she's lost 30hr of sleep, she doesn't need to sleep 30hr extra to make that up. Just getting to a suitable routine that has her sleeping enough for now will get her sorted reasonably quickly.

Offline alesmora

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Re: Almost 7 MO and still catnapping - any advice?
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2017, 00:14:26 am »
To answer your last question, I think she's still adjusting her rythm and hasn't yet completed the transition 3:2 naps. Even if she sleeps the same or even more than before she still needs to learn how to cope with 2 naps - tonight I had to put her to bed at 7 pm although she had slept until 5pm, no way to keep her up longer!