4month old boy. 15.5lbs.
Have been bottle and breast feeding but almost breast feeding recently.
He eats every 2.5 or 3 hrs during the day time.
FYI. He usually drinks 6-7oz from a bottle.
8pm - Last feeding and sleep
12am or 1am, 4am, 5:30am, 7am, 8:30am - wakes up hungry.
(I tried DF at 11pm or 12am but it didn't work at all)
I also tried to use a pacifier during the night but he notices it's a pacifier and cries so hard asking milk.
Once I feed him, I try to pull my breast off after a while then he cries hard. He is on the breast until he is satisfied. I don't see any sign if he is gassy after eating (he doesn't throw up or spit up), but he wakes up hungry anyways(I try to tank him up during the day time).
What do I do...??