My DS is now almost 9months and his EASY routine isn't quite working any more with regards to his afternoon nap. I'm not sure if it's a routine issue, or because he's definitely trying to learn to crawl, but I'd appreciate some tips. He can self settle to sleep - I literally just put him in his cot and he will fall asleep as long as our timing is correct! He is STTN about 95% of the time at the moment (he only wakes due to teething pain/full wet nappy/cold or if he's having a growth spurt and is hungry).
7 - Fixed WU. 7oz bottle.
7:30/8 - Breakfast
10 - Nap
11:45-12:15 - Awake (varies hugely when he'll wake up, sometimes he does 1hr45, other times nearly 2hrs15 nap!). 7oz bottle.
12:30 - Lunch
3:30 - Nap (in theory). He used to go down for 30-45mins here, but he's now really really struggling to fall asleep. He just rolls around his cot chatting/trying to crawl (even when I've given him plenty of time to practise crawling after lunch!). He usually eventually falls asleep, but it takes ages!
4:30pm - 8oz bottle.
5pm - Dinner
6:30pm - Bath, massage, bedtime story. 7oz bottle.
7pm - Asleep.
I'm sure he needs the afternoon nap still, and no matter how tired he looks before hand he just wakes up when I put him in the cot and leave him to nap (he doesn't do this so much at the morning nap - he generally settles quicker). Should I be cutting short his morning nap so he's more tired?