Hi everyone, back again, although we never really recovered from the 18mo SR so here we are, a couple of weeks shy of turning 2 and we're just all over the place. I understand (and remember) this being a fairly standard predicament but I'm struggling with naps and bedtime resistance terribly and would love some advice on whether to stick it out, adjust routine, cap nap, etc etc. My 4yo sleeps about 11hours but his body clock is set to 6am or earlier so he is happy to be asleep by 7/7.30pm at the latest. As I am on my own for bedtime routine most nights, I need Miss A to fit into this rather than accept a long nap and push BT out.
She currently sleeps about 12hrs total (10 MAX overnight and up to 2hrs in the day). She still has terrible SA at both nap and bedtime where she screams for a couple of minutes as soon as I attempt to leave the room - regardless of time of nap or much/how little day sleep she gets. I have been so consistent and responsive but found that she cries more the longer I am in the room. I have no issue with sitting with her but this takes upwards of an hour, she doesn't just fall asleep quickly.
Our routine for some time has been:
WU: 6.30/7am
Nap: 1-3pm, no longer than 2 hours.
BT: 7.00/7.30 taking usually 30 minutes to fall asleep.
She is now waking earlier in the morning, (6 ish) and is very grumpy, tired, and extremely clingy. She could very well go down for her nap much earlier than 1pm. She also now takes much longer to fall asleep at bedtime, even though she is seemingly quite OT and the crying when I leave is continues. ordinarily I wouldn't mind if she was awake for an hour chatting but since it starts with crying, it doesn't seem right.
What would be a realistic routine for my little munchkin to align with older brother BT of 7/730pm lights out. I expect that a longer night might only be achieved with a shorter nap? Or perhaps she needs the longer nap and shorter night. Eek, I'm not sure....
I am also medicating when I suspect teething but I can't feel or see a thing but I am offering Ibuprofen when all else fails but without much benefit.
Today's EASY:
WU: ? Before 6.30 - I found her playing in the lounge room! Returned her to bed and reiterated Gro Clock and staying in bed until 7.
Nap: 1.30 - 3.00 (I woke her).
Proceeded to have 3 giant tantrums between 5 and 7pm.
BT: 7.00; 7.40 asleep then woke again and sat up 10 minutes later.
^^ Cried when I left the room and refused to put sleeping bag on or white noise.
I moved her into the same room as her older brother approx 4 months ago, thinking it would help with any fears, but no change and now my older son is completely over sharing with her because she keeps him awake. Will have to put them back in their own rooms I think...
Appreciate any advice you may be able to offer. Thanks in advance.