hi becj86,
sorry for the belated response.
DD was actually doing pretty well last week - would take a good long nap (2-3 hours) in the morning and afternoon. the morning naps, she would occasionally wake after an hour and after some shush-patting or putting the paci in, she would go back to sleep. for afternoon naps she would wake about every 45-60 mins but it would be pretty easy getting her back to sleep with shush-patting and putting the paci in. she would then take a catnap around 5plus 6 for about 30-45 mins (we would put her in the baby carrier for this one so we can get out of the house)
Past few days (she is 3 months old tomorrow), her naps and bedtime have been quite impossible, and she keeps wanting to be held to sleep. for example, we would hold her for 20-30 mins and then when we put her down she either (a) wakes up, or (b) sleeps for less than 30-40 mins (it varies) then wakes up and cries. sometimes the pacifier and shush-pat will help, but on a few occasions after just 30-40 mins, we will pick her up to calm her but then her eyes are wide open and she doesn't want to sleep anymore even after we shush-pat, pacifier, rock and all that.
At bedtime when we usually feed to sleep, she has also been more fussy and takes longer to get to sleep, then waking a couple of times during bedtime (8/830) and dreamfeed time (1130 or so). After her middle of night feed (around 5-ish) she also seems rather awake and takes longer to settle (she used to just drink then when i put her down, she would wriggle into a comfortable position herself then sleep; now, she wants to be held for at least 15-20 mins before she can be put down)
Not really sure what to make of the current situation, and how to proceed.....
sorry if my response is a bit choppy, but there isn't really much of a routine now aside from the EAS but I have tried to put in an much info as possible. thanks in advance!