Hi ladies, I write this in the hope of finally being able to get some help with DS2's sleep. He had a brief stage at about 7 months old of sleeping through the night but that all stopped at around 10 months and now he nearly 2 in November and we've all reached breaking point. I know we have created a number of problems ourselves by just doing whatever is necessary to get him back to sleep with minimal fuss so as not to wake DS1 but my husband is now talking about changing jobs as he just cannot carry on with so little sleep,so I know something needs to change but I'm just not sure how.
So, his rough EASY looks like this:
Wake 5-5.30am
Nap 11-12 or 12-1pm
Bedtime 7
He used to nap in his bed, no problems going to sleep on his own, but in the last couple of months he just cried to be picked up so now he naps in the pram. He's definitely low sleep needs, any longer than an hour nap and he's a nightmare at bedtime.
So, at bedtime we give him a bottle of milk and i or DH sits in the chair with him until he falls asleep and then we put him in his cot. If we put him into bed awake he rolls about and whinges and it then escalates to full on crying and he will get really worked up. We've never left him to cry it out on his own so we usually stand in the room until he lies down. But in the past couple of weeks we've sat with him and cuddled until he falls asleep.
Then he can wake from any time in the night (last night was 9.30) and the first thing he will say when he wakes is "bottle". We've been giving him a bottle at night every night for the last year, simply because it's the easiest way of getting him back to sleep, but I know this is wrong and is just creating a crutch. Sometimes he has 2 bottles at night if he wakes twice. If we say no bottle he literally screams the house down, and because we're so tired and don't want to wake DS1 we give in.
I do think he has some kind of breathing issue which we have just seen a consultant about, as he constantly seems like he has a stuffy nose and breathes through his mouth when he sleeps, so I wonder if this is what wakes him up. However, we've never done any sleep training with him which I'm sure is t helping.
So my question is, what should our strategy be? I need to get him to a stage where he can put himself back to sleep without a bottle or being cuddled but I just don't know where to start. He's very spirited and wilful and I can see it being a total battle of wills but I need to do something as we are all at breaking point. I hope someone can help please!