Hi, we have a lovely 26 month old daughter who has generally been a good sleeper aside from the standard regressions along the way. This issue seems much different than any sleep regression we have experienced to date, especially since we are at two weeks now and prior regressions only lasted for a week or less.
Almost 3 weeks ago, we cut our daughter off from the pacifier, which she only used during naps and sleep. It really wasn't bad at all and after a few days she completely stopped asking for it. She slept normal for the next 5 nights or so. Then suddenly during a normal bedtime routine, she REFUSED to get in the crib. We put her in anyway and let her cry for 30 mins or so, but was adamant about not being in there. We went back in a few times and let her cry, but then couldn't take it after a few hours of torture for her. Nothing changed in the room at all and nothing changed in the routine. This went on for a few days and we alternated staying in there with her, letting her fall asleep in our arms on the chair and hoping to move her to the crib, sleeping on the couch, and finally letting her sleep in our bed, which we are strictly against - only when she is sick and really can't sleep due to discomfort. We then had an idea to create a 'bed' for her on the floor of her room using blankets, and we would lay next to her until she fell asleep (which can take up to an hour) and then we would leave the room. This has been working, but if she rolls around during the night, she wakes up and instantly screams bloody murder for us to come back in there. We have to lay with her again until she falls asleep. She also now wakes up very upset at 6:15am when her typically wake up time was a pleasant and easy wake at 7:15am the earliest to 8:30am the latest. She would also patiently hang out in the crib and play with her stuffed animal toys until we came in to get her.
We are expecting another baby in April and were planning to use the crib for that baby. Our plan was to buy our daughter her own bed as opposed to converting her crib in the meantime. We are still open to doing that (and don't want to transition into two new "beds" over the course of a few months), but given her other sleep issues, we aren't sure a bed will completely solve the problem. How do we address the fact that she needs someone with her before fully falling asleep, she isn't sleeping through the night, and she is waking up early and crying/trying to open her bedroom door? None of this happened with the crib, and our thought is that even in purchasing a bed, it will still happen.
My wife is having a rough pregnancy but my daughter demands that she be the one in there, not me. Laying on the floor with her, getting up in the middle of the night, and not having any time in the morning isn't helping.
Any advice on what to do here? Do we make the toddler bed transition? Is this weird? We cant seem to figure out what the right thing to do is now. Ideally we want her back in the crib until after we move but before the new baby comes. Thanks.