I’ve heard a lot of people saying it can be very tricky - so it helps me to hear you say that...somewhat! Haha.
He went down for a nap at 11:30 today (slightly later than planned as he was up half an hour later this morning and definitely wasn’t tired leading up to 11:00) He kicked up a big fuss and it took me 10mins to get him to settle, which isn’t like him, and then he only slept for an hour. Which isn’t long enough. When I brought him downstairs, he fell asleep again. I let him have another half an hour before waking him, at 1:15pm.
He probably won’t need a second nap now, so EBT it is at 6:30pm I guess.
I know it’s still early days, but he has struggled to nap for very long after 5 hours A time and, as I’ve just said, today wouldn’t settle well in the first instance.... I’m wondering if he should be going any longer? At 5 hours he begins to quieten down and yawn, but maybe needs stretching to 5.5+ A time? I could do an early lunch at 11:30 and then straight for nap?
Prior to being ill and routine going to pot, he was on 3.5-4hours A time, so it seems like a big jump that’s all. But he has had a huge growth spurt in that time and it was 3-4 weeks ago now that he was reliably following the old routine...
Thanks for all your advice. Sorry to be such a rambler and to keep coming back. I’m a stickler for routines and feeling very lost and frustrated at the moment.