I have an adjusted age 7 month old i.e. shes really 9 months but she was born 2 months early, so ~ 7 months.
She is naturally a good sleeper, and was doing great, with 1-2 night wakings, putting herself down for naps until an overseas trip and two illnesses.
Now, at naps, after I put her in her crib, I have to rub her back until she falls asleep (I assume this is too much of a prop as I have to do this each time).
And I'm breastfeeding to sleep at night.
Worse still she wakes every 1-2 hours at night (this has been going on for about 4 nights, before that though it was waking every 2-3 hours)
She's not sick and not teething.
I think it's time for PU/PD (I tried this in the past, but a hand to soothe was enough and it took only one day to get her 'trained').
My question is what to do about night wakings. She is the bottom 1% for weight, and continues to refuse all solids (her Dr says that is likely a premie baby related delay).
I don't think I can cut all the night feedings, but how am I consistent if I breastfeed her sometimes and not others. How does she not get a mixed message. I had been thinking if it's been more than 3-4 hours I feed, but rouse her awake after the feed? But that doesnt solve the issue of mixed messages. Or do I wake her once to do a feed? (My previous dream feed attemps haven't been very successful - but maybe she was too sleepy and not hungry enough).
She only gets breastmilk - no forumla, and as stated above wont take solids.
She has a 3 hr awake time - 2 naps a day, which we just shifted to a few days ago (so she is a bit OT at the end of the day sometimes).
I BF her 30 mins after each nap, and a top up 30 mins before nap.