Here we are again with another feeding issue! My LO - who is 2 months and 3 weeks and has silent reflux which we have been treating (been on Gavi for a month and just started Nexium last week)- has developed yet another weird eating habit. She will come to BF, eat for around 5-8 minutes then pop off the breast and just look around or up at me and smile. When I come to put her back on the breast she will whine and refuse it. This whining is not the same as her screaming because of reflux...its completely different. It doesnt involve crying, just a whine and refusal to eat. I will then stop and try and burp her, and she usually starts putting her hands in her mouth. So I just assume she is hungry and try again but she wont budge.
A- Is this normal?
B- Does this mean she has had enough?
C- Her munching on her hand, does it mean she is still hungry or has she just discovered her hands? (She has been putting her fists in her mouth for the past few days during Activity time)
(Oh forgot to mention...she did this this morning again so I pumped and tried to give her and she flat out refused!)
Any advice is much welcomed!