Author Topic: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!  (Read 4554 times)

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2018, 21:42:37 pm »
Yes, I've certainly seen my own DS and plenty of other LOs here have a short drop in sleep needs then go back to their old routine very happily afterwards. FX this works out for you  :)

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2018, 09:01:03 am »
Thanks! Last night was asleep at 8.10pm and slept through to 6.45. Nap was 1hr15. Is that enough sleep in 24 hours?

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2018, 19:17:19 pm »
About 11hr 45? Yes I think that's enough for some.  Mine was down to about 11hr in 24, I was concerned his nights were so short, anything under 10hrs made me worry (and he was down to about 9hr overnight) but we got through and his longer nap was definitely more important than the longer night.

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2018, 20:14:19 pm »
Thanks for the info. He's still not asleep tonight at 8.12. Hopefully he'll drop off soon. I put him down later than usual with the hope he would drop off at his usual time but with only 15 mins of bedtime messing instead of 40! Not sure it has worked!

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2018, 07:37:14 am »
I'm back and looking for a little more advice please! I  continued with the 1.30 nap for 1hr15 mins and for about 3 days he was going to sleep about 8pm and waking around 6 45 which was fine (6 45 to 7am is ideal wake up)  but we were having at least 1 crying night waking. Then on the 7th I put him down at 1.15 as usual (for asleep at 1.30) and he was asleep in seconds at 1.15. This is totally unheard of these days, so I figured he must be mega tired and I decided to let him sleep what he wanted. He  woke himself at 2.40 so nearly 1hr30 nap. That night he slept 8.15 to 6. 45 with no night wakings! I went back to normal routine the next day 1hr15 nap at 1. 30pm and he slept well, no night wakings. Then the next few days looked like this :

Wu 6.45
S 1.35 to 2.45
Bt 7. 30
Asleep 8.10
Wu 7.30!

Wu 7.30
S 1.35 to 2.50
Bt 7.45
Asleep 9.10!😢
Wu 7.40 am

Wu 7.40
S 1.30 to 2.45
Bt 7.30
Asleep 8
Wu 6.45 am

Wu 6.45
S 20 mins in car about 4 ish (we went to farm)
Bt 7.30
Asleep 7.45
Wu 2.15am on and off til 3.15
Wu 7.15 am

Wu 7.15
S 1.30 tried to wake at 2.30 (dh thought we should cut to 1hr) but couldn't wake him so woke about 2.50
Bt 7. 45
Asleep 7.50
Wu 4.45 am crying, had a drink. Chatting on and off
Wu 7.15 am

Wu 7.15
S 1.40 to 3.10 (decided to let him sleep whatever he wanted but then chickened out at 3.10 incase he wouldn't go to bed!)
Bt 7.40
Asleep 7.50
Wu 6.45 am so really good night on longer nap

I suppose looking over it he hasn't done bad on most of the 1hr15 nap days. It's just when  he has a bad night/early morning /late to fall asleep I start questioning. And then when he does a good night on a longer nap I question if I'm doing the right thing by capping at 1hr15.
So not sure what I'm asking really! Would you do what I'm doing if you were me? Continue 1hr15 nap even though it's producing a bit of a mixed bag? Or would you be doing something else?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 07:42:21 am by choc »

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2018, 22:27:55 pm »
It sounds like he'd like the longer nap and might just be happy to go back to something similar to what he had prior to all this.
Another option is to wake him at a set time in the morning so that he doesn't refuse a slightly earlier nap meaning he can have a bit longer nap before the school run?  It's not ideal to have both his sleeps capped but if the WU was capped at say 7am he might do better with the consistency??

Offline choc

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Re: Not wanting to nap then struggling to wake up when finally does drop off!
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2018, 09:06:07 am »
Yes that is true. Its been half term this week so I haven't had to worry about him waking late and to be honest doesn't happen that often! He is much more of an early waker usually than a late waker. Anyway when we are back to school next week he has to be awake at 7am so that might help. Although it is hard to get him down for an earlier nap as I work mornings then collect him from nursery around 1pm. I could get 1hr30 in rather than 1hr15 though I think.
Thanks for the advice. I'll go for a 1hr 30 nap at 1.15 I think and see how that goes. If he sleeps 8pm to 6 45 ish I'll be happy.