Author Topic: Where has the long stretch gone..?  (Read 2123 times)

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Offline mulvia

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Where has the long stretch gone..?
« on: December 21, 2017, 23:09:04 pm »
Hello! DS2 is 5 mo and a pretty easygoing baby all around. However he used to have a first longer stretch of sleep of 4/5 hours, sometimes even 6...and now it's gone. He goes to sleep between 7 and 8, usually wakes maybe an hour later for cluster feed, then wakes every 3 hours almost on the dot. I tried dreamfeed which didn't really work, but now he seems to wake for it anyway - but no extension on following sleep length...I offer a dummy sometimes and he does go off without milk, so I know that when he wakes again next time (say in 1 hour or so) he's probably actually hungry. I don't feed to sleep, except rare occasions. He does use a dummy to fall asleep most times. He's still on a 3 or 3.5 hrs EASY, we get 4 hrs sometimes when he naps really well, but also go back to 2 or 2.5 if he doesn't feed properly (which happens especially when DS1 is around and DH is not..!) could he be making up for any 'missing' milk from daytime feeds when he gets distracted? I don't think he actually needs the calories... Sometimes I also think he wants to feed in order to pass gas ehehe.

Offline becj86

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2017, 04:13:10 am »
Could be a growth spurt...

How's his EAS? This is a common age for nights to go off because daytime routine is not quite right.

Sometimes I also think he wants to feed in order to pass gas ehehe.
Can be this too - unusual for it to be more so at bedtime when your supply is lowest at the end of the day (tends to be more in the early hours of the morning or through the whole day).

Could be making up for milk he missed from being distracted :-/

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2017, 22:06:26 pm »
It could also be that he is waking for the dummy if he is reliant on it
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline mulvia

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2017, 21:02:56 pm »
Thank you both (third time I try to reply...!) - he does release lots of gas during night feeds, maybe he's just more relaxed and less disrupted by a shrieking brother  ;D
He still seems to take in a fair bit of milk though, which is why i'm wondering about daytime intake anf/or frequency.
Today I resumed feeding on both sides, which seems to make it last a bit longer...we'll see what happens tonight.

Quote (selected)
How's his EAS? This is a common age for nights to go off because daytime routine is not quite right.

I am trying to figure out his ideal A time - seems to last 1,5 hr first A time, then about 2 hrs. Times are not super regular because of mostly 45 min naps which are sometimes extendable...
I'll post his average day rather than today because he's a bit sick and it was all weird:

WU and E 7/7.30
S 8.30/9 45min to 1 hr
E 10/10.30, sometimes later
S 12/12.30 same as previous nap
E 13.30/14
S 15ish - usually this is the longest nap/easiest to extend, up to 1,5/2hrs
E 16.30/17
A, here I usually try and usually fail to get him down for a catnap. So I try to give him some quiet time, but he seems happy to hang out so we generally E again around 18.30, bath, then BT around 19.30.
After this he wakes maybe an hour later, E and back to bed.

Also when DH is on morning shifts, DS2 has to be shuffled back and forth from DS1's day care so he spends quite some time in the car seat and takes even smaller naps.  :P

Night sleep as such is the same, it's just the first long sleep that seems to have vanished  ???

Quote (selected)
It could also be that he is waking for the dummy if he is reliant on it

I did wonder that - he used to spit it out fairly quickly, now keeps it for longer and sometimes for the whole nap. However, he doesn't necessarily wake when he loses it, especially at night. I think he is able to go to sleep without it but he definitely likes it to relax (plus I think he may be teething already so it might give him some relief for that too). At night I give him back the dummy if it's been less than 3 hours from last feed, but if he refuses it or spits it out right away then I feed him. I do use the dummy to extend short naps. He's learning to find it and replug himself; I have read in some other post that this would make it more of a comfort item and less of a prop, therefore less of a worry...correct?

Offline becj86

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2017, 22:31:55 pm »
He probably needs more A time. The 45min-1hr naps are UT and the last nap of the day is longer after he's not had restorative naps all day. Average at 5mo is 2:15-2:30, with 6mo making it to 2:45/3hr.

If you're worried about feeds being too far apart, you can do top-ups an hour or so after the main feed when he wakes - those can then be swapped for solids as you introduce.

He's learning to find it and replug himself; I have read in some other post that this would make it more of a comfort item and less of a prop, therefore less of a worry...correct?

Offline mulvia

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2017, 23:27:41 pm »
Thank you again - I'm here to report improvements! A little more A time and feeding on both sides (at least during the day) seemed to do the trick - he has taken a few longer naps, and the last couple of nights lasted a minimum of 4 hrs before the next feed. I used the dummy once instead of feeding and that extended his sleep by another 3 hours.
I have been using the top-up feed during the day, not so much because I think the feeds are too far apart (I was actually trying to switch to a 3.5 or 4hr EAS) but because he's got a better chance of taking a nice full nap after. I also feel the supply in my right breast is somewhat lower, so maybe when feeding on that side only he was taking enough to be content, but not fully satisfied...anyway, hopefully we can stay on track for a little while now!
Thanks again!

Offline becj86

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2017, 07:14:40 am »

Offline *Ali*

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Re: Where has the long stretch gone..?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2017, 13:30:13 pm »
Sounds like things are moving in the right direction 🙂
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011