Author Topic: 17 mo "spirited child" will not go down for naps  (Read 1280 times)

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Offline KKharper8

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17 mo "spirited child" will not go down for naps
« on: December 29, 2017, 11:54:51 am »
Hello- hoping someone will have some insight on the current issues we are having.. my daughter is 17 months (15 months corrected) she's always been a horrible sleeper/ napper.. we have done/ tried it all and she has good periods and really bad periods.. we have been in a nap strike for like 5 months now? Where she refuses to sleep in her crib- she will fall asleep in the car , on the couch on me but forget it if I try to "put her down" in her crib.. she will stand and cry for HOURS I swear she would cry for days if I let her ( obviously wouldn't do that) but she refuses to go to sleep - and she is TIRED. If I go in. And reassure her it's worse / she just cries harder and louder for longer.. does anyone have any experience with this? Did anything work for you? I am now thinking that she needs a strict daytime schedule .. any schedules for this age group that work for you? I am pregnant with my 2nd and. Coming desperate to get this kid on a routine before the new baby comes.

Thanks so much in advance

Offline LaraAndrea

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Re: 17 mo "spirited child" will not go down for naps
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2018, 01:15:32 am »
I am working through my own issues with my 15 month old right now and I cannot say that have had the same specific issue that you have. My LO is usually a good sleeper, but I did find as she approached 12 months and beyond that she did respond better to a more strict schedule instead of the more flexible routine.

What does her routine look like now? (With the time of attempted naps)