Typical days can really vary at this age as it depends where they are in the nap dropping. My DD who was fairly average was doing
Awake approx 6/6.30
Nap 12/ 12.30 -1.30/2
Bed routine started at 6.30/7 in bed for 7.30/7.45
Some toddlers will nap for 2+ hours still but if they are not tired at bedtime then your choice is a later bedtime or cut the nap. I personally preferred a longer night sleep, my DD started nap dropping at 2 and was done day napping by 2.5 years. She would still nap in the day but it was robbing from the night so she was better with it gone.
On the routine you posted above he's getting an 11 hour night plus the 2 hour nap is 13 hours in 24, that's a decent amount of sleep. If he is sleeping 2 hours in the day I don't think you can expect more than 11 hours over night, some never do more than that.