My DD is 10 weeks old and I have been doing the dream feed from the start. When she was a newborn she never made it to 11pm and would wake between 10 and 11 to be fed but for a while now I have been the one going in to get her up for the dream feed.
I change her before I feed her for two reasons, she was having very dirty nappies and also because she wasn't feeding for very long (she is ebf). Lately however, her nappies are not really dirty at all, just a bit wet and even though she is fully awake by the time I feed her she never feeds more than about ten minutes when usually it's twenty on average.
She has been waking between 2 and 3am for a while and I have learnt that this seems to be wind or something else other than hunger. She suffers terribly with wind and if I am able to comfort her and let her sleep on my chest she can quite happily go till 4am without another feed and then she takes a feed nearer twenty minutes. If I feed her before 3.30am then again she can end up just taking a short feed.
She is then really hard to stay settled for the rest of the night (she doesn't need feeding again till 7am).
I am wondering if I would just be better off not getting her up for a dream feed or changing her for that matter and just let her sleep till she wants to be fed in the hope she will take a fuller feed and disturb less throughout the rest of the night.
She does go down now pretty well, either as soon as I put her down at 7pm after her 6.30pm feed or she needs a little settling by me and is asleep by 7.30pm most of the time. She is then great until I get her up for the dream feed, this seems to be her best sleep of the night.
I dreamfed my first but not sure if it is really working well with DD2.
Any thoughts?