I am feeling really stuck! My 3 month old has been EBF since birth. He latched on immediately and all seemed to be okay however we had a spell in hospital at four weeks after a bout of projectile vomiting-this turned out to be a cows milk allergy so I have since given up diary. A tongue tie was diagnosed at the same time so that was subsequently cut and then he had to relearn to breastfeed. We seemed to get through this so just before Christmas he was feeding approx 3/3.5 hourly in the days and going a long stretch at night often not waking for food until between three and five am. However we then had Christmas and since then he has been waking for food two to three times a night however if I feed him any later than two or three he isn't interested in his morning feed. This tells me he probably doesn't need much food in the night but then we get caught in a cycle whereby he doesn't eat much in the day so won't settle well for naps, and then tanks up at bedtime which is fine but then wakes at one or two then five for more feeds. I had tried to hold him out and not feed however last night I gave in because I was so exhausted. It's also more tricky this time as my two year old is waking a lot so I guess I am feeding my baby sooner than I might to ensure my son doesn't wake. Tips on breaking this cycle and restabllishing a good feed cycle in the day would be gerat, thanks. Just to add that when he does feed it is for a very short time and any type of attempt to get him to feed longer usually fails aside from the 7pm feed. Stuck!