Hello again...

So here we are a month down the line from my original post and I really think that my daughter needs to be on 1 nap now, but we tried that yesterday and it's not really working to plan, so I wondered if i could get some support to work out what is best to do with her?
She handles long A times and overtiredness amazingly well and gives no sleepy signs so i'm struggling to pinpoint her best A times.
She woke up late yesterday morning so I figured that was a good day to attempt dropping the catnap.... her day was like this;
awake: 8:30am
Nap: 2-3pm (I tried putting her down earlier but she took a while to drop off and then was wide awake after 1 hour - overtired I presume, but very happy so a bit confusing?)
BT BF: 7:15pm
Asleep: 8pm - she tossed and turned yawning & grizzling for ages, she just couldn't fall asleep easily although obviously tired.
She woke at 5:45am this morning, which i know from my son is a OT night. Now I don't know whether I should do a 2 nap day or push her and persevere with the one nap and hope she extends it?
She's definitely grizzlier than usual this morning, she'd obviously tired.
She needs about 1.5hrs sleep in the day ideally - but getting her to take that in 1 nap has always been a challenge so I need to plan for it to be shorter than that..... also EBT have always failed with her - whereas they were a saviour with my son... so i'm worried about her waking from a nap really early and then refusing EBT, which has happened a few times and always leads to a horrible night!
Is switching back to 2 naps pointless, should we push on with the 1 nap and the OT?