She is just over a month old. I know pumping doesnt show how much the baby gets but I've pumped a few days ago and got more. My breasts felt engored and heavy than, today it was the oposite.
Yes, fast letdown is an issue we've been working to fix. I started feeding one side per feed, but I ofer the second one just in case she is hungry, sometimes she takes if some times not.
Her food is green for almost two weeks with strings and mucus. Her pead told me to give her probioics and that helped with the strings but her poo is still green with mucus. I'm dairy free for 3 weeks now. I was thinking it had to do with oversuply, foremilk hind milk imbalabce or intolerance. We are waiting till monday to see if it gets better.
I decided to take her in my bed and feed her every time she wakes. She uses to wake every 3h now it's 1-2h. Hoping we can get some rest and she is not hungry. We'll see how it goes