Hello again,
it's so funny that you wrote that infants her age usually sleep 11 hours, the last 3 nights in a row she has slept exactly 11 hours.
I feel so confused and am at my wits end. i really don't know whether to bite the bullet and transition her to 1 nap or to do 2 naps.(it's her first bday tomorrow!)
i've had two mornings last week where she woke around 5am because the previous day she only took one nap and i put her to bed early, around 6/6.30pm and she had night wakings then woke up at 5am!
Yesterday she took 2 naps, a morning 35min catnap then a 1.5 hr afternoon nap where she woke up at 3.20pm. I put her to bed at 7.45pm and she woke up at 6.50am
Please let me know what you think